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8 thoughts on “Update”

  1. I’m experimenting like crazy with Movie Talk and it’s going very well. My way of doing it is to circle target language little bits at a time, stopping about every 2 and 10 seconds of video. We establish tons of details about the characters. When my students get frustrated with the slow pace, I just start from the beginning and let it roll until we get back to where we left off. They want to see the whole thing but I like keeping them on the edge of their seats. Anticipation is a beautiful thing, builds tremendous engagement.
    Here are two links to short clips I’ve used recently:

    For the second clip my students suggested that one be called Amari-Bro (a play on words: Amarillo + Brother), and the other CalaMaria. So cute and funny. We laughed about that for five minutes.

    I have written up these two clips into Spanish stories, happy to share them.

  2. I’ve tried MovieTalk in a lot of ways, trying to find new ways to combine it with reading (as is suggested would by Brenda Murphy and Ashley Hastings, IJFLT, 2006). I think there is no “best” way. Changing it up keeps the novelty. I find showing commercials ( and super short shorts (Mr. Bean!) are fun and effective activities to break up a period. My usual procedure is to show most of the clip without stop (not a problem, since they are really short), but not to show the ending. Then we read what we just saw. We make predictions. Then, I “MovieTalk” the video until the point we stopped before (stop & go every couple of seconds as I incorporate what we just read), and I let the ending play through. Viewing the clip (but not the end) before reading builds background knowledge to make the reading easier. Student interest is highest the first time through, so I may MovieTalk first (except ending), read, then MovieTalk (less stop, more say what we just read) again (including ending).

  3. There is this link:

    Group Members – Alphabetized with Emails

    But it’s out of date and so are the bios. We need bios. If you are new read some samples by clicking on:

    Group Members – bios

    Then send one in. I’ve got a few wating in the queue but many of the newest members (my fault) haven’t been made aware of the fact that we want to at least know who each other is and why they are studying comprehensible input. That includes Dr. Patrick’s class. We would love to know who everybody is. It’s a long story involving professional safety and trust. Just send in a bio.

  4. Thank you SO much for the guidance on where to start! I have been finding so many good ideas my brain feel like its about to explode BUT in a good way! I believe a lot of these strategies can work in transitioning to CI in the Spring, especially the post on using novels. I was just speaking with my co-worker today and was saying that I think that using a novel may help me transition. Especially since we are having trouble figuring out what “vocabulary” they need to learn.

  5. Bingo on the novel. Read & Discuss of a novel is the easiest way to practice comprehensible input instruction. It’s not always real exciting*, and the kids need a few months at least if they are in level 1 to build a base vocabulary using only auditory means, but whenever I don’t feel like teaching I just do Read & Discuss. Keep us posted Latrina. You are joining a group of about ten vocal brand new people here who are getting things done in spite of the too-much-information thing that goes on here.

    *that part of TPRS is oversold, is an urban myth.

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