Traditionally Trained Kids – 4

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4 thoughts on “Traditionally Trained Kids – 4”

  1. My experience was the opposite: the kids liked TPRS way more than old school. The lack of hwk and epic tests also helped, as did the lack of idiotic grammar worksheets. However, in Canada, there is none of this grading madness that the U.S. has, and basically zero of this “district mandated vocab/lesson plans/online reporting” bla bla, so people are less locked into their little cut-and-measure thing. Kids seem to be open, as long as they are getting somewhere, to trying new stuff. But that’s just my context.


  2. This repost is very helpful to me. I can empathize with the situation with the spoiled kids that you describe in Denver, but I am hopeful that a situation like Chris describes will be possible too. I like the idea of a little CI at a time, slowly winning them over, slowly showing them that there are other (better) ways of learning a language without ever directly telling them that this is a different (better) way to learn a language. Thanks!

  3. Trisha Moller

    I also had a tremendous response from the kids. I had one or two who looked at me like a crazy woman when I said no worksheets but they got used to it really fast. Especially when they could suddenly speak. These students had only one year of Spanish when I got them(actually less when you eliminate testing days and other trips,etc.).

    I had them fill out some evaluation forms for me AFTER a serious discussion on constructive criticism. I got very few negative responses and the ones I got I would have to say came from my greenhorn status with TPRS.

    My Spanish 3 students absolutely loved it and really opened up more as the year progressed. am so proud of them adjusting to change. That is what life is all about, right?

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