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2 thoughts on “TPRS vs. Georgia 7”

  1. Textbooks try desperately to personalize and talk about the kids. How? They try to come up with “themes” that they think will interest kids (food, movies, hobbies, the family, love, extreme sports, holidays, technology, the environment…) These themes do interest the kids, but the problem is they can’t interest all of the kids all of the time in all the different schools across the land where the textbook is used. When I used to do the sports unit from the book, I knew that 10% of my class was highly interested, 30% somewhat interested and the rest didn’t care or pretended to in order to get good grades. TPRS, personalization and stories about them make classes much more engaging, interesting, fun and COMPREHENSIBLE… for all or almost all my students now. Textbooks try to do what we do with TPRS. They know that personalization, motivation, interest, fun, engagement and CI are the keys. They just can’t deliver it for a variety of reasons that have been discussed in this blog and in many other forums.

  2. I think that these “theme” areas are where the novels are very helpful. The setting can be the Amazon rain forest where it is logical to address endangered species, loss of habitat and the effect on cultures. You still have the personalization aspect of a teen with family and romantic problems which are a springboard to PQA and stories. You can compare things in the novel to local situations–but in a personalized way. I do think that kids are mostly concerned with themselves, but I think part of what we do is help them to discover their ties to the rest of the world. We do this not by having them read and regurgitate dry academic stuff, but by making the topic real for THEM–they must be able to see themselves in the story.

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