Their Effortless Comprehension

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4 thoughts on “Their Effortless Comprehension”

  1. I was thinking about getting a laser pointer but maybe that’s a better way to really bond with my students.
    Since coming across the references to teaching to the eyes, I have realized that all too often I’m just scanning the class and now, when I realize I’m doing this during the period, I consciously get in eye contact, smile at my students and sometimes put a friendly hand on their shoulder. The last I mainly do with young kids who usually seek this kind of affection of their own free will. I have quite a few children in grade one and two who like to give me a hug.

    1. A laser pointer is handy when pointing to the screen from the computer or to things too high to touch. I agree that we can become too dependent on them, using them when we could be moving and touching. But I do miss mine at times, like clarifying with the laser whether I am pointing to the clock or the flag.

  2. I miss trying to point a word out behind me or up high on a poster with the laser pointer without turning my body or looking at it. The kids love it when I miss. They then indicate which way to move the red dot with their hands and I try and we all laugh. But when I get the word with the red dot they love it. I tell them I come in early each day to practice.

    I also miss, when I sense that they need a brain break, shining the red dot on the ceiling and having them all look at where I am going to point then moving the dot all over the ceiling and walls while they look like cats.

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