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7 thoughts on “The Calendar Kid”

  1. I’m planning to structure it so the Calendar kid just has to fill in the blank. I have “Today is__________” up on the wall in the calendar spot , and the kid puts in “Monday”….etc. I think that will work best for Novices, at least at the beginning!

    1. That’s a great idea. We could do the same thing with window clings. I have some clings of weather and the clings stick to whiteboards so it would be quick and easy.

      There are window clings of all sorts of things. I think that I have one with clothes too and I could combine it with weather.

      I keep my clings in ziploc bags labeled with sharpies.

  2. OK now I have to add both of those details to the book. I assume clings are those little like little suns and clouds that the Calender Kid would put up while filling in the blank for the weather that day, etc. Permission to use with credit on what both you and Angie said? Angie? Man this book ain’t never gonna be done.

  3. I did this this past year….the kids would fight and beg to do the date and weather! So the person changed each day….it was a “reward”. 🙂

    I started it in level 1 with fill in the blanks, but then level 2 would write out the whole sentences by them self. By the end of level 2, the student is the teacher….adding on asking the class the questions then writing the answers. It makes them feel important being the teacher -great way to “throw a (peace) bone to the problem child before class starts!! :-D. But it also keeps the rest of the class engaged.

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