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17 thoughts on “Textivate”

  1. Just as a follow-up:

    I did the same activity with my 7th period class which is generally my less focused, less interested class. They absolutely loved the activity, and insisted first on breaking the record of the other class, and then on finishing the whole story. We didn’t even have time to play wordchunk and they didn’t care at all. One kid, when he was walking out of class was saying “best class ever!”

    I can’t think of a better way to go into my weekend!

  2. Very cool, David! It is a great way to begin the weekend.
    I looked at the site. Teaching Chinese, some of the features don’t apply (letters, for example). But I’m hoping for a similar game to be added to World Language Games, which I’ve mentioned some other time maybe a month ago. It’s a subscription site by a man in the Denver area who came up with games for language learning, and since starting has worked with several TPRS teachers on additional games. I’ve asked him about adding a game based on teacher-input stories that get broken into chunks (paragraphs, or in a smaller reading or earlier level, sentences) and then your task is to put them in order. Not yet. But there are some other pretty good ones. A demo site is: http://www.wlangames.net/Chinese.php

  3. I really had little time bc I did the Essential Sentences thing from Robert today as well, but did manage to cut and paste from Word (that gives me the accents) into the Textivate field and what I liked was the simplicity. The kids were intrigued but class ended too fast. I’ll read here over the weekend and hopefully learn a few tricks. For me a great tool is a simple tool and this looks like a simple tool.

  4. You guys have such awesome ideas! A shame we don’t have internet in the classroom. I have to book the computer room and that is always a big hassle with lots of class time lost for switching on computers, etc.
    I wish there was a downloadable program that would do that.

  5. I am sitting on my Mac at home right now and textivate is working perfectly for me.

    However, I have had issues before with not being able to type in the letters. I don’t know how exactly they got resolved, but one possible solution is to try a different browser. I am using Chrome, but also have had success with internet explorer.

    1. Yes, it’s the browser. Firefox did not work for me on my mac. Chrome does. I can not fill in the blanks. I’m hoping it will be this easy for students on their ipads.

      The moving events around in order is really awesome too. I am imagining right now, on a day when I’m feeling a bit cathartic, just pulling up a passage on the overhead or picking a passage from a novel, and having students copy it down into Textivate, then just letting them play around and do different activities with that passage. THANKS David!

  6. FYI I can’t take too much credit. I read about textivate over at the moretprs group, and stole the idea from there.

    Also, there is a guy Martin on that list who is one of the guys who made textivate, and he has been answering questions about it. Check it out if you are interested.

    He says there shouldn’t be issues with Macs vs. PC or different browsers, but I would stick with chrome since that seems to work.

  7. I am adding Textivate in a simple form, just running the empty letters by the class, as a follow up to the reading of stories. It’ll force me to curtail if not eliminate the embedded reading stuff I used to do on Thursdays. I’ll add this change to the new 2013 Weekly Schedule. I like Textivate. It supports reading and writing. Any other ideas on Textivate pls. shout ’em out.

  8. We used it yesterday for the first time in all my classes. The kids absolutely loved it and their eyes were glued to the screen. I pulled up one of our class stories and we did the fill-in-the-blanks activity, starting out with the vowels missing. I had one student with a good ear (the vowels are really tricky for the kids in German) sit at the computer and type in the letters while the class took turns (practically fighting over who would be next) to sound out the missing letters, either one word at a time(for the weaker students) or one sentence at a time. This was an absolute winner.

  9. So each kid gets a platform of a few words or a sentence and the others are quiet. I like that. My first attempt with it was just an open class activity, where anyone could throw out a letter. It worked really well. And only with Chrome so thanks for researching that David. Even with Chrome I had to mash down pretty hard to get the letters to go in.

  10. I used Chrome, too, without any issues. It took me a while to realize, though, that you didn’t really need to move the mouse to the empty space to put in the missing letter (that’s what I would ordinarily do and wait for the cursor to appear). All you have to do with this is start typing the letters in order that they are missing. Is it possible that this was your issue, Ben?

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