Ted Talks

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8 thoughts on “Ted Talks”

  1. Oh wow, I only watched the first one and she took turns to drive me to tears and laughter. What a great research storyteller. I think her message will mill around in my head for a while. Thanks for sharing, Bob!

  2. Sabrina Janczak


    Thank you so much for this link!!!! How inspirational!!!!
    I just loved that quote in the second episode from Theodore Roosevelt.
    Here I’ll put it here because I think it is us CI teachers!

    “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done things better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

    Isn’t this quote what we do????

    I just loved how she differentiated between shame and guilt where shame focuses on self and guilt focuses on behavior. I want to quote her here b/c it made me think of Ben ‘s bullying incident on thursday.
    “Shame is highly correlated with addiction, depression, violence, aggression, BULLYING, suicide, and eating disorders. Guilt is inversely correlated with those things.
    The ability to hold something we’ve done or failed to do up against who we want to be is incredibly adaptive, it’s uncomfortable but it’ s adaptive”

    My question is how do we rid our world, our kids of shame so they can become healthy world citizens?

    Bob, again thank you, you made my weekend , my week, my month and perhaps even my year!

  3. Great comments, Sabrina. Your question about how we rid our world, our kids of shame is such a provocative one. It makes me think we have to start with ourselves, exploring the role that shame plays/has played in our own lives and looking at our own willingness to be vulnerable with our colleagues, our administrators, our students. What would that look like? How might our fear of how we would be perceived (weak, crazy, or a victim), by those in power, influence whether we could change or not?

    It is Ms. Brown’s own public vulnerability that makes her message so powerful to us and makes us “believe” we might be able to change our behavior and live up to our notions of who we want to be to a greater degree. Might that be the same for our students–to learn the tools for change by witnessing an empathetic model of the struggle itself–even when the struggler (their teacher) fails? I wonder.

    It certainly seems to be the case here on this blog. When someone here shows their vulnerability, we do not attack them. We support them, protect them and try to learn something. We empathize with them because we’ve all walked the same path. We know we mustn’t struggle alone. It is interesting to note how vulnerable we feel here–the need for: a firewalled blog, public bios from members, pleas for privacy and discretion. It is an unsafe world in which we operate. The kids we teach live in even more unsafe worlds. They have much less control over their daily lives than we do as adults.

    Ridding ourselves of shame and helping anyone in our sphere of influence to do the same seems a very high priority.

    1. I’m really glad that these videos are here. I am thinking of sending the first one to my principal, who has two little girls, before I go in and let him know that I want some answers about my personal future at our school.

      Part of what these videos do for me is to explain “us.” Ben started a whole model of vulnerability when he started posting his videos and talking honestly. I was inspired to videotape myself because of his example. I started inviting people to my classroom to observe the TPRS method, and was surprised to find that I wasn’t ill at ease. Lately, after years of feeling extreme stage fright in front of adult groups and observers and especially video filming, I realized that it’s not only observers that don’t shake me any more. I am perfectly comfortable in front of a crowd. When I give a presentation that stinks, I go for help and make the next one better, rather than curling up into a ball and hoping no one will notice. When I give a great presentation, I enjoy it. I’m no longer hugely embarrassed by my mistakes, reliving them over and over. Instead, I count on my ability to fix things.

      I’d been telling my students that it’s just practice that finally taught me not to be scared, practice and experience. But now I know I was wrong. It was admitting to the vulnerability, admitting to guilt, and suddenly I’m at ease with people. When I run up against their refusal to be vulnerable, then that’s a problem, but it isn’t my fault, and I no longer feel that shame.

      Now I will go back to my classes and start considering how to work this new concept into stories. Guilt vs shame. I agree that people need to see a model, but I think we also need to be explicit about what the model is doing in some way. Otherwise, viewers think that it’s an expert they’re seeing, one whose abilities they can’t reach.

      Thanks Bob!

        1. Excellent article. Sometimes it is just so hard for us to get out of our own oppression to see the ways in which others are internalizing their own oppression.

          Sadly it is generally about how we percieve the Power “others” have over us. When we truly get the only power others have is what we award them, then we can liberate ourselves and be a force in reclaiming our selves.

      1. …Ben started a whole model of vulnerability when he started posting his videos and talking honestly….

        Thank you for saying this Michele it means a lot to me. Being vulnerable in this way is very difficult. Presenting at conferences is very difficult. That is because the minute people see you teaching, you no longer teach in the real way. When I put up a video, it is certainly not meant to be anything more than an effort to share ideas of what I am experiencing. The home run stories will never get caught on film. But I think that a picture is worth much more than a thousand words. So I make myself vulnerable, just as you and Allison and the others who have sent in video here have done. We cannot fix this thing, we cannot learn, by having experts – there really are none – it is time now to fix things, gain command of our craft, in only one way, by communicating.

  4. I only had a chance to see the first video. This video represents the spirit of our blog so well. There is a lot of honesty and vulnerability and courage all rolled together. That is what allows us to grow together in a way I have not experienced any place else in my life. Let’s all pat ourselves on the back.

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