Verb Slam Activity (VSA) – 6

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4 thoughts on “Verb Slam Activity (VSA) – 6”

  1. A question about another way to increase reps on a verb. I made a list of adverbs (ex: quickly, happily, sadly, romantically, in a loud voice, in a high voice, slowly) and showed that list occasionally when I wanted another rep, for example, while singing a song, or having different groups of kids re-enact a section from a reading. It seemed highly entertaining to them and they wanted more reps to get another version of it. I would ask for children to pick one of the “styles” (which is what I called these descriptive phrases).

    Has anyone else done this and does it work for you? I haven’t tried it as a PQA addition.

    1. I recently watched a video of a teacher teaching little ones using a refrigerator and the contents inside. It was a great video but I don’t remember where it was that I saw it. She used adverbs in a great way and her creativity balanced with management was so fun to watch. I saw myself stealing this idea with the frig for my high school classes.

      Does anyone know who the teacher was?

      1. Melissa you may be thinking of Sarah Kreider teaching elementary Spanish on the DPS videos. She uses a fridge to get extra reps of “sacar”.

        She is a master at managing her class.
        Notice how calm the kids are while taking all kinds of silly things out of the fridge (money/diapers). I couldn’t pull that off. It would “overstimulate” some of my rascal piglets.

  2. I’m far too right brain dominant to make a list of those expressions. For me, that process is part of the overall circling process. Excellent idea perhaps more for the left brain or whole brain dominant types among us.

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