Teacher of the Month – March 2013 – Jeff Brickler

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9 thoughts on “Teacher of the Month – March 2013 – Jeff Brickler”

  1. I love this idea Ben. It is just a great idea in so many ways. If will help us get to know the members better. It will allow us to encourage members that need it and give us opportunities for “shout outs¨ when they are due….

    Thanks for this!


  2. Here, here! I would have to say that the posts regarding Jeff and his struggles/successes have been extremely helpful. I enjoy reading about the determination and, as Ben puts it, the PRIDE with which Jeff has been handling his obstacles. As we all know on this PLC, it truly benefits us just to know that we are not alone.

  3. The thing is it shouldn’t be just me that does this. I would encourage other group members to send me, via email, their own suggestions for future months.

    Many of us have started collaborating with each other in different ways within the overall group, so we know stuff about what teachers are doing that may not be common knowledge to the big group.

    It is this overcoming of adversity that draws me to this idea. But we should do it all together. So send me stuff. There certainly aren’t enough months in the year to honor what so many of us are experiencing right now in our classrooms.

    We are fighting so hard! We all deserve medals. There is so much heroism going on right now. I am humbled by it.

  4. Anytime a teacher steps up to try something new, it is cause for celebration.

    When a teacher makes a commitment to CI/TPRS it is really trying SOMETHING NEW EVERY DAY!! So let the party begin!

    Then, when a teacher stands firm against the party-poopers, it’s time to make the party even bigger. :o) Kudos Jeff! Ben, thanks for inviting us to the party!

    with love,

    1. Laurie I like the term “party”. People at parties are free to say and do what they want. It is an atmosphere of divergence and not of convergence on one thought or idea. As long as we are using the language, we are free to indulge in divergent thinking, which is expansive and not reductive. Kids need that so much, to be free to let their minds wander as the mind of the class wanders as new things are being created by the group as long as the language is used. I think that divergent thinking is the best way to teach a language and ultimately why people like Jeff refuse to give up on it, once they know about it. It’s just too boring doing it the old way, same old boring reductio ad absurdum thinking everyday! We deserve better than that.

  5. Wow, this is quite an honor. I appreciate very much the kind words. To be honest, it is because of this community and support from you guys that I have been able to push forward. Really, it’s a testament to what is going on here.

    Funny enough, my wife would call it something else. Damn stubbornness. I smile and chuckle at her and I say, “No, it’s tenacity.”

    1. Euge! Macte et Maxime! Excellent choice, Ben. And Jeff, your wife is likely right, too. Blessing-curse is what I call it. The stuff that curses us is usually also the thing that we can soar with. Ad astra per aspera!

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