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17 thoughts on “Teacher of the Month – January 2015 – Jim Tripp”
Wow! Congrats Jim, and to everyone on this blog for celebrating teaching, open-mindedness and willingness to reflect and change.
I will look for Jim’s scripts here as Ben suggested, and have also looked at the Tripp’s Scripts site. Are the scripts ok for younger kids (1st-4th) – no romance n dating, etc? Is there a scripts section within one of the blog categories?
It’s a pleasure to pour over your work thus far!
Hi Alisa. Try typing in “tripp script” in the search bar of the blog here and you’ll see a few of his scripts pop up as articles.
Congratulations! And thank you for all of your contributions over the years, one of them being your story book.
I have used your stories, particularly around the holidays.
You deserve this honor. Hope you are having a fabulous year!
and his smile…where would we be without that great smile?!! Congratulations Jim!!!! Thank you for so exquisitely being YOURSELF as a teacher. It is a wonderful gift for all of us.
hugs and love,
Congratulations, Jim! I always look forward to reading your comments.
And I just got Tripp’s scripts for Christmas. Thanks for all of your contributions to the PLC.
Jim’s stories ! “Tripp’s Scripts” has been an essential tool for my classes, and I believe most of my squeleton stories come from Jim’s book. Some lend themselves well for teaching young kids when simplified. Writing a good story let alone creating one in class, is the double black diamond of the TPRS skills, and Jim’s book should be one of the very first purchases on a new FL teacher’s list.
There are some names that come to mind when I think of TPRS, and Jim Tripp is one of them. His knowledge, vast experience from teaching adults to little kids, deep understanding, and integrity makes reading Jim’s comments essential to me. Thank you Jim. I’ve learned so much from you.
A true master.
Congratulations Jim! I remember that French class in Minneapolis quite well. You were one of the stand-out students and your enthusiasm told me that you would indeed be sucessful as a teacher using TPRS. I recently gave away my last copy of Tripp’s Scripts. They are indeed a necessary part of the CI teacher toolbox.
Hugs from Denver!
Congratulations, Jim! I also love your stories (scripts) and all the ideas you’ve shared with us all. Your lessons have found their way into the bedrock of my classroom teaching, and I am grateful that you are a fellow traveler.
Well deserved, Jim! Your humility radiates through your posts and even more so in person, as I got to meet you at NTPRS in Chicago this summer. I greatly appreciate your close reading of the posts members write here and your measured consideration of multiple ideas. In short, your insight is valuable. Your time and concern for others is heart-warming. Thank you for all you give.
After meeting and watching you have-a-go at the War Room last summer, I’ve worked on channeling your kind of effortlessness in teaching. I know your effortlessness comes from a deep understanding of why you do what you do in addition to all the practice you put in.
It gives me joy thinking we, as with everyone here, can be colleagues for many years to come.
P.S. Your bio, Jim, is very interesting… knowing how you started off teaching Spanish and how much of a struggle that was. I bet most of us have similar stories. It makes me think about how much we need to help our younger, beginner teachers get through those first years. I sure as heck could have used some help. Anyways… a hearty cheers to being one of a kind, Jim!
Congrats to you, Jim!
I am also a fan of the scripts. I used the “I have something to tell you” script last fall. It is now one of those handy everyday phrases. A kids comes in late and I say, “Do you have something to tell me?” or “You have to say something to us.” Merci!!
Congratulations, Jim! Good to see you here on the blog always 🙂
I will promote your scripts as THE BEST TPRS SCRIPTS out there. They’re simple, the structures make sense together, and they revolve around a topic that kids want to talk about.
Before I saw you in that recent video you shared, I had assumed from your comments you were a seasoned master closer to the end of a career, not at the beginning.
Congrats, Jim. You’ve really helped me to get my legs under me in this work. You speak with a lot of authority that just seems to come naturally to you. I can tell you have a lot of integrity.
Jim, I first met you in St. Louis back in 2011 at NTPRS and then got to hang out in Breckenridge. You are so encouraging and talented. Keep up the good work.
OOOH me too…St. Louis 2011!!! I totally remember going to your workshop Jim, the one about your class books–which I still think is the most genius and simple community builder / SSR library builder–thinking “wow! Jim Tripp!!!
Then (?Breckenridge or St. Louis) also there was the garageband workshop. Which I thought was truly magical. I still suck at G-band but that is my own fault for allowing my fear of tech to keep me paralyzed. That said, I have had kids work on some cool things using your ideas for a foundation. Just more ways to trick them into getting reps!
I’m eternally grateful for all you have shared with us! Gracias compadre!!! 🙂 Jen
Talk about a full love bucket! You all really know how to make a person feel valued. Thanks Ben for the TOTM designation and very kind words.
It makes me very very happy that some of you find use and value in my scripts. I really just wrote them for me and my students, and learned from Anne Matava’s work that they are better when shared. I don’t write them nearly as much anymore, hence the stasis on producing more since 2011.
This PLC has been my lifeline for the last 7 or 8 years since starting with TPRS. I think it was Diana who said that she thought I was channeling Ben in my approach during the War Room Chicago this summer. No doubt this was the case. I still have this picture in my head, of who and what I wanted to be when I got in front of a class, and the picture is Ben with his hands put together like he’s greeting someone (in a culture where you put your hands flat together and bow), and that’s how I started class for the first couple years, total steal from Ben, among many other things I’ve stolen from you all over the years. I am reminded of this calmness when I see you all teaching in the lovely videos that get sent in.
Thanks again… heart-warming to say the least!