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2 thoughts on “Summative Testing Again”
Ben, I enjoy seeing how you are getting to the heart and deconstructing summative assessments. They are unnecessary for us as language teachers.
As for concrete results. A summative assessment will be what they have “learned” so far. In fact, it’s really backwards in terms of student achievement. It only serves to judge. We have to be renegades when faced with this issue and do as little of it as possible.
If you have “tests” to give. Just give a freewrite and make it pass/no pass. Pass = student wrote for ten minutes. No pass = didn’t do it. Of course, no one should get a zero. This tips the balance of the summative assessment in favor of what is really important the formative assessment. Of course the supreme importance are the kids. I am just addressing what has to be done for those “who never read what they ask for”. The rationale for the freewrite could highlight the means to communicate in a comprehensible way and track their progress. This way you avoid a focus on “how many words”, “sentence complexity” and target vocabulary.
I LOVE the idea of doing a story as a final exam! I had never thought of that. Thank you so much to everyone for sharing their thoughts and insights on this issue. It is very helpful to me and my colleagues as we are making the jump in to CI. Thank goodness for this online community of like-minded and helpful peers!