Story Option A – SOA – 4

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8 thoughts on “Story Option A – SOA – 4”

  1. I like it. As you say, nothing new here, just the molding of ideas to the 3-step TPRS formula, while targeting structures. I now do the same thing with MovieTalk.

    Of course, these 3 steps give teachers a guide, but the 3 steps really can be fluid, mixing PQA into our stories and our reading, reading during the PQA and before stories, etc.

    Personally, I make a distinction between “establishing meaning” and “PQA.” The former is absolutely essential and for me often embodies the entire first step.

    The proposed story step 2 is like Reader’s Theater, working from an image. I’m thinking how this could be extended to the “3 scene” model. If you take the 3 structures, you could just choose variable(s) for each structure. E.g.

    1. There is a ___ standing in a ____
    2. The ____ is going ___.
    3. The ___ has a ___ beard.

    Then, ask that script 3 different (related or unrelated) times. Notice, a TPRS script is just like a mad-lib/sentence frames. I’m sure you could have kids complete these before you start the story and then you have plenty of ideas.

  2. By turning the image into a story script, it probably makes it easier to personalize/customize the CI, which means compelling CI. The “act out the picture” may still be plenty compelling, depending on the image. Another way to get personalization/compelling input is to have the students bring in the pictures, especially if the students themselves were in the pictures, or students draw the pictures. With the student in the picture, then you have context and the story can be about what really happened (or imagined) to the student in the picture.

    1. “Another way to get personalization/compelling input is to have the students bring in the pictures, especially if the students themselves were in the pictures, or students draw the pictures. With the student in the picture, then you have context and the story can be about what really happened (or imagined) to the student in the picture.”

      This reminds me of the Zipless TPRS (or was it Zipless CI) we were all talking about with Inga a while back.

      1. Jim that was five years ago, if you can believe it. Anyway, if we read those zipless articles we can get an insight into how plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose*.

        *An epigram by Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr in the January 1849 issue of his journal Les Guêpes (“The Wasps”). Literally “The more it changes, the more it’s the same thing.”

      2. …have the students bring in the pictures, especially if the students themselves were in the pictures….

        This is gold Eric. Everybody take note. If we are going to work with images, why not have our kids in the images we work with?

  3. Robert Harrell

    6. Ask a student to stand up and mirror the image. We get more reps in a new context that way, tricking the students into focusing on a new image that is a real life image so that we can get the reps.

    In other words, you are creating a tableau vivant. Here in Southern California we have the annual Pageant of the Masters. Thousands of people pay a lot of money to go see these “living pictures” and here the students are getting it for free.

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