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4 thoughts on “Some History”

  1. …… and that’s why we NEED CI-presenters at the upcoming NYSAFLT conference! Please don’t leave me hanging. Thanks, danke, grazie, merci, gracias, gratias tibi ago, …….

  2. It’s true. If Brigitte is willing to put herself out there and commit to all that work for the good of the profession and of the kids, and then asks for help regionally in her NY/NJ area, then we should all muster our courage and do what we can to make sure that comprehensible input is on the docket at those meetings. If not us, then who will do it? It is a lot to ask because many of us are hanging on by our fingernails just trying to make it work in our classrooms, and we lack confidence especially because it is all so new, but at some point we are going to have to grow up and make some noise.
    I wish you all could have seen the packed rooms of 100+ for the CI speakers at ACTFL and the other little caves elsewhere with 6 or 7 people staring at their programs in so many other rooms, learning about how machines can be used to teach kids. We have something to say, right? So let’s say it!

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