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2 thoughts on “Rep. Tim Ryan”

  1. Todays children are so unprepared to face the world they are growing up in. Most of them are being taught how to be successful in a world that no longer exists. Creativity is in such short supply for these children who at the age of 16 know nothing but google and youtube. The trauma is not only at school either. They carry it with them wherever they go. It’s in their pocket. At home, parents are just as obsessed with the online illusion as the children are with one benefit though. Parents can still remember a time when all this distraction and trauma didn’t exist. What do you do with kids that have never known a life without smartphones? My prayer and hope this year is that my class will serve as some kind of refuge.

  2. If your classroom serves as a refuge, and I know it will bc I know you, then that will be far better than getting your students to any “levels of proficiency”. Your points above are smack on.

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