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1 thought on “Scope and Sequence”

  1. My curriculum director wanted to talk to me about our own school’s S and S. Here is my general response to her:

    Hey Jessica – no one employed in a school doing CI opposes having S and S. We know it’s part of our jobs. It’s just that such a document goes against the way we believe the mind works to acquire languages. For us, it is of no use. So we see it as nice-looking, good to show to people and we all have such documents. Even DPS has one we give to people.

    But to teach using CI – we can’t really follow it. We don’t learn languages in linear fashion. It is not under any conscious control of the mind. (It is far too magnificent to be confided to the real of thinking!) Krashen’s Natural Order Hypothesis makes big points on that topic.

    Again, the way Krashen shows us that languages are actually acquired is in opposition to the concept of S and S. It’s such an important point to make. I have watched the DPS S and S morph more and more into being based on readers. I don’t know what it looks like now. I personally have moved away from the DPS model.

    But Diana Noonan is the real person to talk about on that. Maybe we three can get together in Denver this summer on this. [Jessica lives in Denver.] There are important articles on my website on S and S, as well.

    The change therefore is so huge that curriculum directors are faced with huge work. Vertical articulation will be the work of years and years in any one district. The question people in your position must ask is if both sides of the chasm are valid.

    Jason C would have it that yes both sides are valid. I would say no to that, that one way is old and never resulted in any real gains except for the few, and the new way is fresh and always results in acquisition – with no painful memorization – for the many. Plus it’s a lot more fun and brings confidence to the learner.

    I’m good with a meeting Friday! Let me know when and where. The only thing is that I really am not the one to talk to since my area is the classroom and practicing CI. But I’m willing to share what I know.

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