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11 thoughts on “San Diego Idea”
That’s fine Ben,
I’ll do whatever you want me to, gladly and happily!
Individual hugs are OK but no group hugs please, jk!
Give me some time to think about practical suggestions though. I can’t think right now.
Yes, I have a suggestion:
Follow the session with BEER. San Diego has a staggering # of amazing microbreweries.
Ben Slavic WILL sing “La Marsellaise” if you get enough beer into him.
Ben singing la Marseillaise, hummmm…..
The million $ question is :
How many drinks would it take to make him do that though….
We drink in DPS. But I always run out when it starts to get nuts. Those young CI teachers in our district do like to party, but I play the age card when they start doing the hully gully. But, actually, I’ll sing La Marseillaise anywhere anytime. People will wish I hadn’t, but I’ll do it.
Seriously, I was thinking of doing some coaching in the evenings privately. There is not one minute to lose at those conferences, and it mystifies me when people go and do stuff when we are only together for a short while and we have so much to learn from each other.
You are preaching to the choir. I’m French and I like red wine sometimes but I’m not a drinker so ……
It’s great you want to coach at night, I love the idea but don’t you need to rest a little????
At the conference, I really need to watch how you ‘reject lame suggestions’ from students. My stories get bogged down by boring suggestions. I have heard “chez Disney” about a million times this year, and Disney never makes its way into the actual story. I’d say about 1/4 of the suggestions are good, with regard to locations. Lame location suggestions are the worst.
Ugh. How do I get the cute/funny answers? Many of my students ‘get it’ but many of them don’t.
Leigh Anne in my opinion the best cute answers come from trust that has been earned by me in the actual classroom.
Whether I can show you how I deal with lame suggestions in SD will depend on whom I get as students. In Breckenridge I got ten 12 year old four percenters. Dori and I had to shove our sons into the class just to have any boys at all. It was horrible because I don’t get 7th grade humor.
Actually, I think the point you raise goes deeper, in that when those kids say “chez Disney” for the umpteenth time it becomes a move of aggression against you.
Teens have a heartless streak, especially when asked to become human in “that weird class” where they have to actually show up as human beings. We all know how some kids, when faced with the idea of giving from their hearts to the group, would rather close their hearts. (I’m not blaming them – they lost their inquisitive innocence in 6th grade.)
I hear the “chez Disney” response, if I am interpreting what you are saying correctly, as part of a chance to get the class to notice how sophisticated and subtly sarcastic they can be with you, not expecting you to pick up on it. Those shitty answers that are sprinkled with light sarcasm are really code messages to the other students of “Hey, watch me mess with this teacher!”
I hope I’m not over interpreting this, and I myself may have rabbit ears on this in class, but I have not spent slightly over one third of a century now learning how to do this in order to allow some asshole to sprinkle shit around my room in that way.
I have a bitchy edge card that I play often with such kids. I turn to the kid who says chez Disney one time too many and I say something like, “I know what you’re doing and I don’t appreciate it. Stop. Now, class, give me a real cute answer for where Sally and Minnie went with Uncle Snazzie.”
I wish I could be attending. I’m so sad about it. :0(
I am very sorry you can’t make it this year.
If I can help in any way to lessen your sorrow, I want you to know I’ll be filming as much as I can so we could share it on the blog afterwards.
Whatever can’t be filmed I/we promise to take good notes so we can report back here as well.
I know it’s a mere consolation but hopes it alleviate some of your sadness.
Thank you so much! This trip just wasn’t possible for me at this time and I was starting to feel the coming school year would be troublesome for me without all the great San Diego practice.
I’m so glad to hear that you’ll be doing that, Sabrina. I wish I could be there, too. But I’m hoping there will be lots of reports back on the blog!