San Diego Conference Next Summer

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21 thoughts on “San Diego Conference Next Summer”

  1. Diana and Carol and Jason are still in the initial planning phases, but I will get the information to the group as it becomes available to me. What I really like about the idea is that San Diego is only an hour and a half away from many of the people in this community like David and Robert and Doug Stone and so many others, that great SoCal crowd of revolutionary teachers. Just to be able to see them again would be so wonderful!

  2. Hello from ACTFL! (no, I am not the one who discussed Ben’s reading ideas with Diana) Carol “announced” the conference in San Diego. She announced the dates and the fact that the format would mirror what took place in Breckenridge in regards to the language classes with students. She announced that Dr. Krashen would be there. That is about it. Other information is still “forthcoming.”

    It is a separate conference from Nat’l, (two weeks later in Dallas) however Carol will be presenting one of the advanced “strands” there with Kristy Placido, as she has done in the past.

    I’m not sure if that answers your questions, but that is what I know!!

    with love,

  3. It is up on her website — TPRS Publishing….upper right task bar: “2013 Conference” she lists the presenters (Ben is ONE!), the dates, the prices, but no hotels yet.

  4. Yeah well I told Diana that this time I want a real class. In Breck I had a weird combination of 7 white female superstar 6th graders who had already lost their sense of play and two awesome sophomores who played too much, plus a 4th grader and a 7th grader, the only boys – 11 kids at varying levels of maturity. That is not much of a class to use to demo the method. Diana is excited about the possibilities for San Diego and I am just going on that. And that will be my last conference, as, like I said, for me anyway, getting in front of people with this stuff, videotaping, all of it, just whigs me out.

  5. Who is going planning on going to San Diego? Can we start conversations about this? Just got an email today and they now have THREE hotels available! The Town & Country, which is 6.5 miles away; the Holiday Inn at 1/2 mile from school; and La Quinta which is 1 mile from the school.
    I would like to book my room, but would prefer to stay where everyone else is staying, because that was an incredible piece to Breckenridge last year — the “after hours” chatting about best practices and debriefing about what we saw that day!
    Thank you!!

  6. I saw her last night and forgot to ask. I’ll email her now. We called Grant in Saint Paul, by the way, and had a great conversation. Diana is going up there. The Minnesota ground is arumbling and truly exciting things are happening there! I am waiting for Grant to report to the group about that.

  7. I am thrilled – it looks like I will be able to go this conference! It has been many, many years since I have been to a conference with an opportunity to interact with other CI/TPRS teachers! Does anyone know if a car rental will be necessary?

  8. There are three hotels mentioned on the site. I think the Holiday Inn is the closest at .5 miles. Then another at 1 miles away. Then a third six miles away, which obviously would need a car. Just get in a walkable hotel. I like the idea of Holiday Inn since it’s close and we can do the evening impromptu coaching sessions right there whenever they happen. I don’t believe in letting time get wasted at these conferences. We work at night. People can go dancing anytime, but those summer conference hours are precious. Like Laurie said one time, we become summer campers. It’s very similar!

  9. I would go to this for two reasons

    A) to get better at at TPRS/CI

    B) to buy Ben Slavic a beer (or twenty) in one of America’s great craft-beer cities…home of the Lagunitas brewery (among others).

    But it’s about 2,000 miles from home and I’m doing the Von Ray workshop in Vancouver. So have a Lagunitas Pilsener fornme 😉


  10. Ben,
    Diana is coming to MN?!? That would be awesome. We are doing some really hard work here. Our WL group met last week (Grant is in my District), with District Curriculum personnel leading the discussion, and we are moving forward.

    It has been a long, winding road over the last years. The great thing is that teachers are happier, parents are happy, admin. is happy and enrollment is going up in the upper levels. Our retention rate is hovering at nearly 70% in my building. Ten years ago, it was a long-term rate of 8%. My Principal called us the ‘most engaging’ corner of the school a few weeks ago. As Dept. Chair in my building, and former Curricular Chair for the District, I am pretty proud of our group.

    It’s not a perfectly smooth road, we have a lot more ground to cover, but we’re on the way. I think we’re at about 60-65% of our District WL teachers using some form of ci/TCI, as they understand it. Verb-chart holdouts using readers, looking at reading more and expecting less output. I consider that a huge win. I’ve been reading here, but not posting a lot. I’m tired from all of this work. We’ve taken a lot of hits for it. It’s worth it, in the long run, for the students.

    Happy Spring Break everyone. We had a snow day on Tuesday here in MN. Best day ever-‘snow days’ are so much better than ‘snowy’ days. 🙂

  11. And just so the group knows, you already know Grant, and Shannon is equally in the fray up there in St. Paul. It is compelling stuff right now. Grant understates it bc that is his nature. But it gets me pumped. I want to hit a wall just on general principles when I think about what is happening in St. Paul and so I really appreciate you sharing this with us, Shannon. As I understand it y’ll got somebody’s attention, a supe or someone, and the ball has been unraveling for those whom Grant calls “page turners” ever since. We want more reports from St. Paul. And I hear you on the fatigue thing Shannon. We need to learn to walk away from this stuff or it will gig us. Mark Knowles and I were talking today and he likened it to black hole. A good black hole, I guess, one taking us to a more funkadelic universe, but a black hole nonetheless. Du calme, everybody, du calme. Except let the shit hit the fan in MN.

  12. Congrats Shannon and Grant! I am thinking that things are changing here in my district too! I had a good talk with my language colleague last week (Spanish) and I told her that some things she said to me I found hurtful and insulting. She apologized and said that she in NO WAY meant it personally! That she sees that my kids are learning just fine! She just thinks (from what ‘little’ she knows about TPRS – she is still thinking in those terms) that there is a lot of hand-holding.
    Then last Friday we went to our State conference, which was all about proficiency-based standards, and we were in a couple a sessions together, where they stressed PROFICIENCY, not PERFECTION, and one even mentioned Krashen, – and I had to correct the woman then on the term “silent period” – she said “it was when they students write, as output. (we) need to push them and encourage them to get out of their comfort zone to speak.” (and associating it with Krashen! don’t worry – I told her that it didn’t make any sense! – later she confessed that she is an ELA teacher, and doesn’t know how to teach a L2. Great!) But, it was a small crowd, about 8 teachers – who believe very strongly in delayed output!!!
    Then we went to a session on Embedded REading. My colleague loved it and wants to start to do it. BUT…she wants to know how that presenter gets the kids to talk more!!!
    We are having the same State Workshop on Standards based Instruction and Assessent that Skip and I attended a few weeks ago, hosted at my school this coming Friday. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like I will be back home in time for it. (Still away helping my daughter after her surgery). I invited my Asst. superintendent and GT coordinator to go to it also, but all the work I put in to pull this off and now not to be there to tie it together…..oh well! My daughter is more important!
    One good thing to hear: the Asst. Principal from the Middle School came to see us at the high school this past tuesday. She said, “all our 8th graders are going to go into Level 2 when they come to the high school. you WILL accept them there! and you WILL make changes to your expectations of them and keep their motivation going by helping them to be successful!!!” she then gave us the numbers of kids currently taking spanish (45) and French (52) who are coming up to the high school. I was blown away at the 7th grade numbers: Spanish (101) and French (38)!!!! So, we are not inheriting a pre-existing numbers problem – it was laid out on the table that we have been CAUSING it, and we need to change!
    Gotta run!

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