Sabrina’s Writing Idea (sWI)

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10 thoughts on “Sabrina’s Writing Idea (sWI)”

  1. Sabrina, thanks for the great idea. I know what you mean about feeling the pressure. On the other hand, if we can get them writing in a CI friendly way. When traditional teachers criticize us, they point to things like students not writing, speaking, conjugating, etc. I think it behooves us all who must function in non CI friendly departments to figure out CI friendly ways to give the illusion of doing some things to mirror the more traditional classroom. I think with my French 1 kids, I would allow them to see the class writing as a template for an indefinite time. I am going to try do do a “Movie Talk” using a little Trotro cartoon before Christmas vacation. I appreciate your response. Merci mille fois!

  2. The traditional teachers in Denver Public Schools, those few left, absolutely hate the way they are told by Diana to score the writing samples of every language student in the district each fall and spring (pre and post tests), In short they are told that spelling doesn’t count and that all we want to know in the writing is if the kid can communicate an idea using connecting words. They hate that. But when it’s 80 or us and 20 of them, they have to do what we say.

    1. Ben, you and your acronyms crack me up! You are the most creative person I know. You’re always coming up with beautiful metaphors and symbols and literary allusions. What a brilliant mind you have.

    2. I re-found the DPS rubric that references the ACTFL guidelines for novice mid, etc. The traditional teachers may hate it, but my kids relax when they read that they don’t need to be perfect to communicate in writing or speaking.

  3. I love it too! Thanks for sharing! I’m going to try it with both my 7th and 8th graders as soon as Manny’s fever subsides! I think it’s a great formative assessment tool, especially for beginners.

      1. Thank you Dori, I think. I want my mind to fade out so I can just enjoy teaching. Really, don’t you think, we think so much about teaching, I certainly do, that we clutter the experience. What a privilege to hang out with these tough kids and try to love them and be kind and laugh and lift their spirits, no matter how depressed we are, with how wonderful they are in stories – those are all things of the heart. Using TPRS/CI is of the heart. Teaching is of the heart. Focusing on them is of the heart. Our minds cannot serve us in teaching, not really. Not a hell of a lot of research on that, is there? How can we study and research what is inscribed in our hearts? And yet, our hearts contain all the great teaching. Our minds trick us.

        And don’t forget Mateo, Sabrina. He who sat through three hours of French a day last summer all week. Absorbing, absorbing. And only then in 4th grade. Hope Manny feels better soon, Dori, give them both my best!

  4. Ben , you are so right! As I was talking about Manny s cute little face, I had Mateo in mind. Of course, they both have cute little faces but I remember Mateo more vividly b/c he was one of the rare boys/students in your class in Breckenridge and since I observed you for 2 and 1/2 days I saw what a great pupil/kid he was!

  5. In Carol Gaab’s TPRS Publishing Inc. texts, Carol’s writing tasks are often prompted with a, “Continue the story from where it left off,” which is similar to this sWI stuff.

    This sWI also makes me think about adding an option to Robert’s structured Free-Write by allowing students to retell the story again (by breaking up a 10 min Free Write session) by switching the perspective of the narrator.

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