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2 thoughts on “Robert Harrell on AP Changes”
“My class is less onerous but more rigorous than many others they attend…”
Rigorous, not onerous. That’s a good talking point to remember.
I love how Robert reminds us of the teachings of Plato and Socrates. It’s so easy to lose sight of their philosophy.
Had Trump had more time to encourage America to read more, esp. the Greeks, we could maybe be in a better place as a nation. I know he’s been busy, but his deep love of reading and his close personal friendship with Stephen Krashen has been lost on the American people. Just kidding.
How are you and family today, my brother? I’m going into a deep place emotionally. I just don’t think I can take another 41 days. I burst out in tears while washing the dishes this morning and I didn’t even know why, but the Cheeto’s face was on the TV at the time.