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6 thoughts on “Request”
What exactly do you want included in the testimonial? I think the pic is a good idea, by the way.
Just send a sentence or two about how your TPRS instruction, books, or membership in this community have helped you, or why it is important to you, etc. Brigitte pls. send another one. My web guy is doing a redesign of the site and we need like three of these. Thanks again. Send them to
I already sent you a testimonial when I first joined. Do you need another one, or will the photo suffice?
The photo just started magically appearing on my posts when I added it to another WordPress blog through a site called Gravatar. Expect a testimonial shortly, Ben.
Thank you John – yes, was what I needed to get my pic to show up on my posts! And I thought an avatar was just a cool movie thing…
There’s me in the Andes mountains of Peru – the perfect not-so-close up…don’t want to discourage anyone from reading what I write 😉 My wonderful wife is on the shooting side of the camera. Her and I were up early to check out the condors – a rare sight, as we got to see more than two dozen of them!
p.s. Grammar exercises will not help inspire a hunger to see the world. Real progress in L2 communication will help. It’s that simple! It’s about real experience – real connection with others. What was I thinking before!?…I still feel bad for all my students pre-TPRS epiphany.
…grammar exercises will not help inspire a hunger to see the world….
We can make worlds open up for our students. That is a line I would have rejected as kind of fake ten years ago, because we all know that the only worlds opening up were for the privileged 4%ers with the money. Now, however, in just reading Brian’s sentence, I feel its actual truth. We all know personally the power of language to open up the clogged arteries of planet Earth, but this stuff we are fighting so hard to learn (…right?!?…) is something real and a real answer to the Achievement Gap and all things dark about education.