Report from the Field – Robert Harrell

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2 thoughts on “Report from the Field – Robert Harrell”

  1. Too bad this French teacher did not give TCI/TPRS a chance. I can almost guarantee a different outcome. It worked for me.
    Some teachers among our colleagues are only able to work with the top students. In a traditional FL program, that’s usually what’s left – the ones who like/get the grammar. Isn’t it easy to teach smart kids?Goodness, the smart ones can almost teach themselves! Isn’t our job to “Reach all, teach all”?
    I was just on a trip with 42 graduated seniors. A few kids were my French kids. I would randomly point out to them how their knowledge of French could help them decode Italian. Some of them even tried using their French with Italians. When I asked the Spanish kids how to say something in Spanish??? Crickets. Sad.
    On the front facade of the Pantheon, there is a Latin inscription. The first words are ” M – Agrippa … When I asked some Latin students what it said, they were trying to decode M – Agrippa! Wasn’t he a Roman general? They did not recognize it as a name and were trying to figure out case!! Sad, sad!
    Ignore TPRS/TCI, fear learning the method, mock TPRS/TCI/ marginalize its practitioners but be prepared to face the consequences – kids who study a language for four years and know nothing or the elimination of your program. Sad.

  2. Well, Robert, even if the German program you’ve built up dies after you leave, your influence will stay alive within our classrooms! And if your German program dies, may the FL department in your district suffer a swift setback like a wildfire so that the coming season of rain brings fresh sprouts of CI teachers.

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