Report from the Field – Louisa Walker

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8 thoughts on “Report from the Field – Louisa Walker”

    1. Thanks, Laurie, you are always so supportive of all that we struggle to do 🙂 I love your positive outlook. I am trying to be more like you!


  1. Congrats Louisa!! I’m grateful to get to read other’s “beginning of the year” reports before we start up here in MN… after labor day… helps me to think about what I might forget to do.

    1. Hi Jim,
      I am always trying to tweak the wheel of TCI so any feedback you can give is welcomed. I really am looking forward to being able to post the colorful chart with the jGR when Ben re-formats it.
      I am working on “norming” the classes still. It is a process…but I am constantly reminding myself of what Ben always points out: that students are not used to having to show up as people as they have to in our classes, so I am working on keeping my patience with them.
      We have Open House this week, lots of stuff to keep me on my toes.

      Enjoy the rest of your summer 🙂


  2. Great to hear that things are going well, Louisa. I’m not surprised though after seeing how comfortable and at ease you were when you presented at the War Room in Chicago, despite being the first presenter. You are in a totally different ball park with 38 kids than my current classes of 20. That’s the big leagues, for sure.

    1. You are very kind, Sean! I have to say that it is finally feeling pretty cool being supported by admin and parents alike. We had Open House last night and several parents expressed their delight in having their kids in my TPRS/TCI classroom because they had heard “through the grapevine

      1. oops, hit a button there somewhere and the darn thing posted!

        Anyway, the parents voiced their pleasure in having their kids in my classes!!!! It was awesome! One mom of a girl I have had for 3 years and who is now in my 4th year class told the group of parents that she had 2 older boys who had taken Spanish from a different teacher at our school for 3 years and then 2 years of college Spanish but could not have a conversation with their grandmother the way her daughter could after having been taught through TPRS/TCI with me…it was totally non-scripted nor asked for (kinda sounded like a plant and was sooooooo nice to be validated).

        At any rate, there are a lot of variables that could attribute to this anecdotal success, but I will indulge in the glow of feeling happy that this girl can communicate with her grandma. That is what it is all about 🙂 Helping people be able to communicate with loved ones and the community. It is the method…this mom’s statement will get me through the tough days of “norming” the class and ‘training” the first years in how to play the game.

  3. I love TPRS/CI methods
    I haven’t quite mastered the method yet but it’s still way better than the textbook (even with personalization activities I tried)

    Thank you Ben for all the support and for the books. They keep me going strong. They have all the answers I need for the skeptics in my department.

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