Report from the Field – Jeff Brickler

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14 thoughts on “Report from the Field – Jeff Brickler”

  1. Robert Harrell

    This letter is amazing and reflects what a good job Jeff has been doing. The student addresses each of the issues in turn and rebuts the complaints quite nicely. I would guess that he probably wrote the Latin without recourse to a dictionary or translator. This student has courage and an ethical approach, a powerful combination.

    Kudos to Gabe and Jeff!

  2. This is truly gold. I, proud of this young man for standing up for what is truly right. There is truth in how we teach. As he mentions, it is easy to see the bullshit when all we simply ask is reciprocal meaning-making. Jeff, please do us all a favor and frame this letter, hang it on you bedroom wall and stand before it every morning. Hell, I just might.

  3. That is such a great letter to receive. I am so glad for you Jeff as I know that this year has been challenging and most likely emotionally draining. I am so glad that your bank account got a deposit, finally.

  4. Jeff,

    You deserve every praise and compliment this young men is giving you. In the end all the hard and passionate work was not done in vain.

    You can take a deep breath now rather than catching your breath like you ve been doing lately.

    Yes, I agree with Jennifer, frame that letter and look and reread it when you have those days filled with doubts.

    Reading this beautiful letter made me think of a French saying : ” la roue tourne” ( the wheel turns) . Yes it does turn, bad things do happen but as the wheel keeps on turning, things do change and usually for the better, like they did for you.

    Go celebrate as you should , as we celebrate with you, in our thoughts at least !

  5. This is great reading! What a nice delivery to the administration after getting too much flack from students who liked the old ways. Even nicer that the administrators, apparently, felt Jeff should get a copy.

  6. Jeff, this must have made your heart melt. What a wonderful tribute to you and your teaching. This letter clearly came from the heart, it is so honest and well-written. You obviously bring out the very best in your students and they pay you back in ways that cannot be measured in gold. Kudos and hats off to you!

  7. I love everything about this! And I agree with Jody! And I’m so happy this guy stepped up to the plate on your behalf. This action speaks volumes for the sweat and soul you have poured forth, and also speaks volumes about the integrity and conscience of this young man.

  8. There is nothing an administrator can do to you emotionally with a letter like that in your heart. It might even have been worth what you went through to see a student inspired to such passion and eloquence. Gabe is an incredible human being. He is honoring you for recognizing that in him. Love to both of you.


  9. That’s one for framing, I’d say. So great.
    I’d love to hear about your method of how you teach your kids the numbers to 100 in two days. 😉 Many of my students are still struggling.

    1. Charlotte,

      I don’t think that I have any secret beyond the relationship that I have with this kid. Once he could trust me, everything else fell into place. That is the key: Trust. After that, everything else will work itself out.

  10. Thanks to all for your support here. It is through you guys and through this awesome letter that I am getting through what has been one of the top 3 hardest years of my career. It’s hard to compare the sucktasticness of my first year, but it comes close and one year they sent me to three different schools with 7 classes and 5 preps. They had committed an atrocity against me that year.

    Nonetheless, I appreciate everything. I want to remember to be gracious because we don’t hear it enough.

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