Report from the Field – Chris Stoltz

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6 thoughts on “Report from the Field – Chris Stoltz”

  1. So sorry to disappoint but this was not a report from me. 🙁
    It was actually Chris (Stolz) who was kind enough to share his wonderful success story with all of us. I can only hope to be so lucky as to send in something similar at some point. Chris is certainly paving the way for me as he shared some excellent pointers and presentation outline with me.

    Ben, I hope you’re reading this so you can rightfully credit Chris with this post.

  2. Thanks for the kind words ppl. I just thank Blaine for inventing it (and sticking with it– he’s still teaching a day a week!), Susie Gross for developing circling, Laurie Clarq for the embedded reading idea, Michelle Metcalfe for introducing me to it, and Ben for the suggestion to start all demos with the target language.

  3. Thank you for saying that, Laurie. It really is about community. No experts, just us, boots on the ground every day, hoping to turn the nightmare grip that the book companies hold over our profession into a bright and happy day. The work we are doing is important, we just don’t know how. And we don’t need to know. We just need to keep on trying.

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