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6 thoughts on “Reading Option A – Complete Description – Updated”
Ben — so helpful– we might try reading a bit more and see if the students can play along…
I am looking for a magic bullet… maybe reading option A can work for us next week. We are reviewing all of our texts from Matava stories — once before winter break, and one more time before Final Exams in mid-January. Or I could do ‘French — 18 Ways’ over the course of a couple of weeks…
I could do Step 6 next week and Step 7 after Three Kings’ Day. Hmmmm…. you always give me something to think about — a challenge to not give up.
Thank you, Ben!
Of course there is my “Fast Fourward” activity that I haven’t shared here yet as an activity. This is for when I really need to eat up minutes because I just really don’t want to teach. To repeat, it’s for eating up minutes and making the class fly by when I don’t feel like teaching:
1. SSR 10′ plus 5-10′ of follow up translation discussion (we read where the slower kids are, in that chapter – the fast readers can go as far forward as they want, into another book maybe, but I don’t care. I’m just starting where the slower people are, that chapter. Once you get into a TL discussion of an SSR chapter, the kids have to use another part of their brain than the one they use in reading so fast readers are challenged.)
2. Have them translate a random sentence you make up – in their composition books. You can stretch this out to where you are half way through class or more by the end of this second step of my Fast Forward activity. Write the correct version on the board in the TL. They fix what they wrote, you walk around the room. Fake teaching.
3. Sabrina’s greetings activity. Cake. Eats up more minutes.
4. Go to the Word Wall and have them say each word. More cake. Eat those minutes up without actually having to think.
And then if there is more time not eaten up I just play the Old Reliable Cake Maker cared – Dictee. It can be of any text you have read recently. One from the SSR that day is great. More cake.
It’s all cake. And they think they are learning. Easy peasey. Think I’ll do it tomorrow. And then I’ll do ROA with a recent story. The only work I ever do is in writing up the stories for each class. That’s it. Time to say it one more time – cake.
Leigh Anne I updated the above a bit more for clarity since you commented, just FYI. ROA is a monster and could take you fully up to Christmas bread on just one story! It’s my mental health insurance policy. It’s my favorite layer of the CI onion. It is the wind beneath my CI wings.
Thank you, Ben! This revised description is very detailed and helpful. It gives me hope…
–Leigh Anne
Oh I love watching this. It’s just lovely! I know “lovely” is not what the portfolio peeps are looking for. But oh well.
Here is just one specific thing that I was moved by re: the new student.
From 35 sec – 2:40 you invited her into the community by talking her through the “ñ / no ingles” sign. AND…the class invited her into the community by showing respect for the student, calmly, and warmly respecting the silence and the “review of protocol” even though they clearly know how to act…they showed the enormous responsibility to the group without getting impatient or fidgety or emitting any vibe of “sigh…do we have to go over this…I already know it…” etc that can instantly derail and toxify the experience. The group is so calm and accepting. This is energetic, so I don’t know how to put that into “schoolspeak”. Hope this is remotely helpful.
I want to know how you do this. I don’t even know if this verbal description can even capture what I feel when seeing it. Thank you Grant. I will keep watching and learning 😀
OOPS I didn’t list the specifics from your list:
the clip I refer to showed:
TL 90+
high engagement, classroom management
communication (authentic, purposeful)