Question 2

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3 thoughts on “Question 2”

  1. Thank you.
    I do feel like it is a lot more manageable traveling this time around with the philosophy of CI in my holster. The non-targeted approach, in addition to drastically freeing us up from the prep time is also much more mobile thanks to its spontaneous and student-generated nature.
    Will pas along the encouragement to my colleague. Unfortunately getting rid of the desks is probably not an option. It’s tight quarters as it is and the teacher who holds the room for the other 3 blocks of the day will need (want) those 26 desks.

  2. I want to preface this with this is all my own opinion and I don’t really mean to sit here and think that I am an expert or even qualified to give advice but that being said…
    My colleague (also a member of this CI PLC) has been given the, shall we say, “beautiful challenge” of teaching a French 3/4/5 class comprised of 35 students total in a room that only has 26 desks. Oh, yes, and by the way, he’s the other one on the cart.
    If I’m reading this right… He has too many kids in a 3 level split on a cart?
    If that is the case then find a new job. They are sending a message to me that they don’t value that teacher or the program. This might seem callous but the truth is I don’t think they expect him to work miracles. They expect him to fail.
    First, the other teacher in the room (probably a core teacher) has classes capped at 26! That’s why there are only that many desks.
    Second, they won’t give you a room or adequate materials to teach since you are on a cart and you don’t have enough desks.
    Finally, they have a split to make 35 instead of giving you other options. Notice the split is after second year. The only thing this tells me is that they (admin) only really care about kids getting 2 years for college entrance. If they cared about growing a program they would do things to ameliorate the situation. Perhaps a class of level 1 and mix 2/3 and 4/5 but instead I am assuming there are kids in level 1 and kids in level 2 then the split.
    The only positive is that if you utilize CI techniques effectively you have more retention through years so there will come a time when they need to grow the program or you will have a serious problem. But my advice is still to think about looking at another location, but I can sit here and say that because I have job security. But once upon a time I was in a similar position (many actually) and I will tell you that it’s not worth working in a place that will make your life miserable.
    Life is too short.
    Again just my opinion based on observations and assumptions.

    1. Very insightful thinking Russ, as usual. I agree with you. It’s subtle how we have started to accept inappropriate treatment of teachers by admins that used to be so obvious back in the day. I didn’t even think about how outrageous this situation is the first time I read about it. The new normal is frightening.

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