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7 thoughts on “National Day”
Ohmygosh! It is so exciting to somehow be “channeling” the same ideas! On the exact same day! Oct. 5 yesterday, I was wrapping up SPA week in my upper level class. These kids have had me and only me and only my brand of NTCI for their whole Spanish experience. They are either in their 3rd semester or 4th semester with me (1 semester = 1 year, or so “they” tell me).
I want it to feel a bit different for them (haha without a ton of extra work on my part). So I tossed out an idea I had and said “if you think it is lame, we won’t do it but …would it be more fun for our calendar chat to have “expert reporters” on various subjects…sports, local news, national news, etc. ????? What do y’all think?
I had listed a few things and they grabbed the ones they were excited about and we erased the ones that got no response. Then 2 kids were like “what about national day of…???” So immediately that got a TON of energy!!!! This, along with “good movies coming out and/ or Netflix recommendations” and “new albums coming out and other good music recommendations” and of course “sports” got the most hands waving in the air “pick me! pick me!” Then a girl raised her hand to add a category: “Can I just report on Myloh each day?!” Myloh is her pet pig. Everyone knows him and likes hearing about his antics.
Looking forward to seeing how this all plays out.
…“Can I just report on Myloh each day?!” ….
Some teachers would respond, “No, we can’t report on Myloh because I taught you guys the word for pig in November of last year in level one, according to my curriculum. We have other words to learn now. As you know, we’ve got to align with the curriculum for the common assessment. Sorry.”
Well, there goes that kid. You reject Myloh, you reject the kid.
Of course, jen gets it. She knows that by not teaching from a list but doing things as she describes above, the gains are much greater.
My mind is blown! I took a few weeks off from the blog and I check back in and I learn this gem.
Tomorrow is National Bologna Day
I love the way you always keep things in their proper perspective Alisa. We count on you to distinguish the trivial from the bologna, as it were.
Thank you Anne Matava for the excellent suggestion that we add National Day as a third feature to add to Card Talk and Small Talk. This is when I really miss the classroom. I mean, tonite I could be looking forward to going in and talking to my students about bologna. What’s better than that?
Here’s the National Day post for those interested:
I’m loving the contrast between the description of ‘National Food Day’ (“cutting back on sugar drinks, overly salted packaged foods and fatty, factory-farmed meats in favor of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and sustainably raised protein.”) and ‘National Bologna Day’, both celebrated today, the 24th of October…