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4 thoughts on “Nathan Beck”

  1. Hi Nathan,

    An official welcome to you ! I have seen your posts recently and was wondering who you were b/c I was very impressed with your comments and woke up to your bio this morning, thank you for that!

    Reading about your personal situation reminds me that we are all more or less in the same boat when it comes to our practice. We are practicing what we are preaching, often doing that in isolation, but slowly the winds are changing direction.

    Grammar is still the word of the day out there, and although much lip service is being paid to CI , it really takes a special person to walk the talk. You are obviously that person, like most of us here and for that we are grateful.

    We are growing in size to the point that our voices have got to make a difference and we can no longer be left ignored or in the worst cases attacked ( change is going to come) .

    Good luck with all your future endeavors and looking forward to great conversations here on the blog.


  2. Hi guys,

    can I join the club? I am just about to start my PhD in Foreign Language Education and would love to link up. And Nathan, I’m German 😉


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