Suggestions Needed

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17 thoughts on “Suggestions Needed”

  1. “Le Papillon” is excellent, and a lot of it is comprehensible because there is a lot of simple dialogue without background noise. OR for “something to do” Essential Sentences …either from a novel or a class reading. They could either write the sentences and illustrate or type them and do a powerpoint with photos.

  2. Merci Jen,

    puis-je le trouver en bibliothèque? Quels sont les thèmes abordés dans le film?

    Robert’s Essential sentences are already on the list. I have to do sub plans for 5 days, can you imagine? I guess you can cause you did it when you had the flu. I remember that.

    I’ve never been out for more than a day. It’s hard to imagine. I don’t want 5 days worth of stuff to look at, or grade for that matter. With 150 students over 5 days , that would amount to 750 piece of papers, did I hear nightmare???

  3. Wow, Sabrina — 5 days!

    I really liked ‘Azur et Asmar’ // ‘The Princes’ Quest’ for my students. It is a full-length animated film. It has a breast-feeding scene at the very beginning, which a sub may not manage to censor, though…..

    I have the script, too, but it is really difficult reading.

      1. Yes, and I am in a French National Honor Society frenzy of my own, but a boring one. I have to make double and triple sure that the students’ names are spelled correctly, then I order the certificates.

        Does anyone else have students who are in FNHS/SHF for college apps// kudos (not scholarships)?

        Sigh….oh, well, at least SHF is getting popular at my school!

        I will write soon, Sabrina! I am thinking about some of your questions….

  4. Sarah’s Key, Les Miserables, TinTin, and Ratatouille are the French movies I have right now… not sure how cultural some of them are though. Here’s a site that has activities to go with the movies, and they are having a “going out of business sale” until the end of 2013! They have German, Italian, Spanish and English movies/activities too. They are not super CI friendly, but might be good for while you’re gone…

  5. Merci Kirstin,

    Quelle coïncidence, je disais justement à Ben Hier soir que je viens de voir Sarah’s Key le weekend dernier et que j’ai franchement adoré, surtout que j’adore Kristin Scott Thomas. C’est une bonne idée de le leur montrer parce qu’ après tout la raffle du vel d’hiv a besoin d’être racontée à défaut d’être mise aux oubliettes! C’est une excellente idée. Je n’y avais pas pensé!

    Quant à Tintin, les Mis et Ratatouille mes étudiants les ont déja vus, cette année où l’année dernière, mais je te remercie pour le lien . Je vais aller le consulter au plus vite.

    Bonne semaine Kristin et merci mille fois!

  6. I am currently working with Level 1, Les Choristes; Level 2, Les Parapluies de Cherbourg ( very comprehensible); Levels 3 and 4 are both doing Jean de Florette .With levels 1 and 2, I am trying to work the kinks out of Movie Talk with mixed results.

    1. Reading this PLC is always a refreshing reminder of the power of collaboration. Individually we can achieve, but as a cohesive group ( which we are) the sky’s the limit. That’s me speaking and I truly see it here every single day!

      Thank you Chill! les Parapluies de Cherbourg is indeed an old time classic and I haven’t watched it in years but I love it. I have it as a tape but not in a dvd format so I’ll go and order it right away, may be using the link that Kirstin kindly provided. I wonder if my kids would like it.

      Now the problem I have on my hand is I am faced with a plethora of great movies, thanks to you all. I really didn’t want to show them a movie but rather a cultural documentary of some kind but these are too irresistible.

      Wishing you all a day filled with sunshine. I have dozens of sunshine little faces awaiting me today.

      1. I tell the boys that I am coaching them on how to gracefully endure a chick flick. It’s a life skill and very endearing to the ladies to be able to do that with grace and equanimity! I have figured out how to do screen shots and crop them into a Power Point. I can work on various structures like laisser, quitter, and partir. The language is clear and reasonably accessible. It’s a sentimental favorite – the first subtitled movie I ever saw:) I just gave an assessment on one of the songs today.

        1. Sabrina Sebban-Janczak


          “I tell the boys that I am coaching them on how to gracefully endure a chick flick.” That is very funny 🙂 🙂 !

          How do you do screen shots transferable to Powerpoint?

  7. I’m not a French teacher but I love the film Le Papillon. Also a big fan of Jamel Debouze but I think the two films I watched recently, Indigenes and Angel-A were rated R.
    Maybe you could have the students do a research project where they spend a day in the computer lab doing guided research on someone famous. Each student gets a different person to research. Here is a link to a lesson plan I created last year for a grant project:
    One day on research, one day on writing a biography, one day on journaling but this would all be in English. They could make a Glogster in the lab one day instead of a paper poster and then present when you get back.

    1. Merci Tamula,

      How do you say thank you in Chinese or is there more than one way to say it?
      Just like in the language the Eskimo speak there are at least 50 different ways to say snow. A great reminder that culture is so inherently linked to the language, isn’t it?

  8. I showed my kids “Les Visiteurs” (1993) last semester and very surpisingly to me they LOVED it (was not doing CI at the time, was just looking for ways to fill the time and not have to teach b/c I was becoming a big grouch).

    I don’t think it would be highly comprehensible b/c of fast dialogue, slang, etc. (the “visitors” also use some old French). But there is a ton of comedic action to keep it engaging. I think the plot could almost be followed without the dialogue.
    This movie discussion is nice. I’m making a list of them for emergency days (or weeks…).

    I found “Les Visiteurs” on Netflix. Sidenote: my district blocked Netflix on our school’s network a few weeks ago. Then a whole bunch of teachers at my school started complaining and sending emails to higher ups. Guess I’m not the only one showing movies. I love my school!

  9. Oh…apparently “Les Visiteurs” was remade in 2001 as “Les Visiteurs en Amérique” (The first one takes place in England) or “Just Visiting” for the American release. I haven’t seen the remake, but it seems the reviews weren’t too great…

  10. Merci Greg,

    We should have a category on this blog for great movies for each langauge but I dare not ask Ben b/c I know how swamped he is.

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