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10 thoughts on “More on the Star Sequence”
This is phenomenal work. I can picture a timeline or cyclical graphic with the options listed at the create, review, write, read extend nodes. I’ll play around with it.
That would help us bc it is on a busy “wrap this book up” week coming up. I am hassling Tina about how that sequence is presented in the book. I remember the minute I thought of that image in Ann Arbor this summer and I knew we had found the bulls eye. It infuses, illustrated and defends 30 instructional sessions in four cycles throughout one academic year.
Amazingly intuitive and allows newbies with the deer in headlights stance to chill out.
So the star itself is a fab graphic, but I’m thinking a baseball diamond might be great for this concept, since it has order (1st, 2nd, 3rd, Home) and directionality, plus it has 4 nodes – 1 each for: Create; Review; Write; Read. Whaddaya think?
There are five nodes: create, review, write, read, extend.
You Cubs fans just want everybody to know you beat the curse of the goat.
So the star is already the graphic for this right?
Tina and I are close to deciding since we have a deadline in a few days. Tina pointed out that it has five aspects not four like in baseball but we are open. It’s a big deal bc that star is the guts of the entire NT thing.
Ok that’s what I was confused abt. I though the star was for NT and this ordered cycle is for any kind of CI. If you wanna use a baseball diamond (I am not into sports or b’ball so I’m not married to it) then extend could be part of ‘Read.’
I just think that an ordered sequence is easier conceptually for new Ts…
I will discuss this with Tina later today.
I LOVE THIS! I need stuff like this so much to reel my vagabond mind onto a coherent path!