Bathroom Policy

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20 thoughts on “Bathroom Policy”

  1. My two colleagues and I met this summer to discuss some issue that are out of control at our school and, as a result, in our classrooms. Bathroom visits (cover for “i am bored and need to get out of here, I need to make a call on my cell in the br stall, I need to meet up with my boyfriend etc. etc.) are out of control at our school
    So, we drafted the following policy:
    Bathroom- Each teachers will maintain a binder with a class roster in a designated part of the room. When a student wants to use the BR, they must get the binder, open to their page, and have it initialed by the teacher. Spanish students will be allowed a bathroom leave 6 times per semester.
    Drink policy: Bring water to class. Drinks are counted as a BR break

    (I think signing the page could be a student job)

    Each class meets 10 times a month. That would be about 45 classes. Our thinking is that 6 in plenty if they ONLY go when necessary…. It will encourage them to conserve their passes…

    What do you think?

    1. Thanks Ben for addressing the REAL issues here on seating charts and bathroom passes – and I’m not joking about this.

      I am in full agreement with Skip about the real reasons for bathroom breaks and all the kids know it and I think it really undermines the teacher’s credibility in the classroom when kids can get away with a “bathroom” break that is bogus.

      I have never heard of doing what Ben does, but I like the sound of it. I’ve tried sign-out sheets before but am never good at keeping up on who has maxed out and who hasn’t. My only questions with Ben’s system are: do the kids really keep the break to 3 min. and what happens if they don’t (I assume calls home for excessive time in the bathroom); and how does one discern the “emergency” / “non-emergency” situation because for my kids – every bathroom break is an “emergency” with leg twitching, and the whole nine yards.

      For me really, the thing I like about Ben’s thing the most is that the first two kids just get to go without asking. I find that it’s actually the constant ASKING to go to the bathroom that most derails my flow in the target language. I’m saying something and the hand goes up and there’s the flat drone of: “Can I go the the bathroom?” in English that pops the magic bubble of the target language. And whether I say yes or no really doesn’t matter, the damage has been done.

      So last year my main focus was trying to train kids to ask to go to the bathroom at an appropriate pause or transition during the class. I also have block periods so we’re there for a while and I feel that I need to have some options for kids to go.

      One thing that worked well last year (after a couple weeks of bathroom break abuse) was that I made bathroom goers have to automatically spend mandatory time in my “tutorial” time at the end of class. At my school we have 20 min. at the end of class that we can do whatever we choose to as a teacher. I can release kids or keep them. When kids mentally computed that they had to stay 20 minutes for a 5 min. bathroom break – they suddenly were able to take control of their bladders. I hailed it as a miracle.

    2. I think bathroom usage is one of the top ten discussion items in any consideration of classroom management – and probably in the top five.

      No solutions for this one; I’ve always had a very liberal bathroom policy because I dislike becoming the arbiter of when a student genuinely needs to use the bathroom and not. As a result, I have not gone into any of the schemes some of my colleagues use: 5 passes per semester, and if you don’t use all of them you get extra credit; if no one goes to the bathroom during class all week, then the class gets a treat; 3 free passes, and then it “costs” (come in after school, etc.)

      I do, however, have some bathroom guidelines:
      1. Since I want even this to be a language-learning experience, students must tell me in the target language that they have to go. I used to make them ask me, but I decided that they will in no other setting ask to go; for the rest of their lives they will just go or tell someone they have to go. So, students have to learn, “Ich muss zur Toilette gehen.” I have now given them modal verb, preposition with dative and word order. Later, when they have to go to other places, I show them how swapping out “zur Toilette” for the new destination gives them a working structure.
      2. Since I want this also to be a social behavior-learning experience, students have to wait until a transition or other non-disruptive moment to ask. If they ask at an inappropriate time, I remind them of the policy and go on. Sometimes I point out that we have just made a transition, and they could have asked then. Sometimes I announce the transition. Of course, I try to be aware of needing a transition every 10-15 minutes.
      3. The administration asks us not to release students at the beginning or end of class, so the first and last 10 minutes of class are no-go times. I get to tell students, “It’s not my rule, it’s school policy.”
      4. Periods 1 and 5 have to wait until the period is half over before they can ask. Period 1 is the first period of the day, so there should be no problem. (I will sometimes fudge on the time for students who have a zero period.) Period 5 is right after lunch, so students have had plenty of time to go. (I will sometimes fudge on the time for students who had a club, ASB or sports meeting during lunch.)
      5. Students have 3 minutes for the bathroom. Especially in period 4, students watch the clock. By period 4 (just before lunch), many students have not gone all morning long and can’t wait for lunch, so they keep an eye on who is gone and for how long. In this period students often start asking as soon as they come in the room, so I tell them in German that they are after so-and-so. From then on it’s their responsibility. I won’t tell them to go, and I won’t make certain that the order is observed. If a student isn’t watching, he or she may lose a trip because the next person gives them three minutes and then goes. It’s all student regulated.
      6. If a student starts going every day, I will make a referral to the school nurse so she can talk about bladder infections and other gross things. I let the nurse know why I’m making the referral, so she gives them the full treatment about concern over diseases and other conditions that might trigger unusual need to go to the bathroom.
      7. I dislike the idea of having to sign something because it is a greater disruption than just asking. We have two hall passes on lanyards for each teacher. I have one hanging on a hook near the wall because students go only one at a time. I keep the second pass in my pocket for genuine emergencies. (I have a handful of students on medical accommodations, and when one of them says, “I have to go,” I may ask if it can wait. If not, they get the emergency pass immediately. That pass can also be used for students who have to go to the office or bookstore. We used to have a planner for each student with pages in the back for hall passes. That didn’t work because it was disruptive and students quickly figured out how to get extra mileage out of a signature. (They would fill out the time, class, etc. in pencil and then change the information; I insisted that they be done in black ink. I also sign things only in ink and only when they are already filled out – no blank checks.)

      I also have a policy that the only beverage allowed in class is pure water. The reason is that water doesn’t leave stains, and students need to show respect for the learning environment. There is a table next to the door, and students may leave other drinks on the table or behind the door in the hallway. During a break, they may go over there and take a drink. This is usually an issue only for periods 1 (morning coffee) and 5 (lunch drinks).

      I also reserve the right to make any modifications, accommodations or exceptions necessary at any time. One day about three-fourths of my period 5 class came in and started asking to go to the bathroom. That was highly unusual even for them, so halfway through the class period I stopped, took the entire class to the quad and told them they had five minutes to use the bathroom. Then we returned to class. I figured the 7 minutes were a fair trade off for a continuous stream of bathroom goers. Of course, some students were saying, “We should do this every day.”

      David wrote: I am in full agreement with Skip about the real reasons for bathroom breaks and all the kids know it and I think it really undermines the teacher’s credibility in the classroom when kids can get away with a “bathroom” break that is bogus.
      I’m not sure I agree with this statement entirely. It’s definitely true if the issue is control, but I think otherwise it’s a matter of consistency in application of whatever policy you have. If students know that everyone will be treated with equity and consistency, then the teacher is credible. It’s when the teacher’s decisions appear capricious and whimsical that credibility is lost. When I do make an exception or accommodation, I try to make certain students realize there is a reason for it, it doesn’t depend on my mood that day.

      David also wrote: I made bathroom goers have to automatically spend mandatory time in my “tutorial” time at the end of class.
      I think this is a good idea because it reinforces the idea that class time is valuable, and students have missed something. We don’t have the option of letting students leave class during our tutorial, so I want to come up with something else. I do make certain students know they are responsible for whatever was done in class while they were gone. Sometimes I give an early quiz, and students either take a zero or make it up; sometimes I ask a question on the end-of-class quiz, and a student will say, “I was gone when you did that.” I’ll look at the student and say, “Schade” (“bummer”).

      One other thing I do is emphasize to students that I am responsible for knowing where they are during the class period. If they say they are going one place and go somewhere else, they get marked truant because I didn’t know where they were. (Gives me another opportunity to teach useful structures like “May I . . .” and the verb “holen” (fetch, go and get) as in “Wasser holen”.)

      Okay, I recognize that I said an awful lot for not having any solutions. Maybe someone will find something useful in there anyway. 🙂

  2. Thanks for weighing in on this one Robert.

    May I “follow up” a bit?

    1. You say “I dislike the idea of having to sign something because it is a greater disruption than just asking. ” I think that this would be no more distracting than having a student take attendance. If a student is responsible (their job) for checking a kid’s name when they use the bathroom it seem like the disruption would be minimal.

    2. I like your idea of having the student “announce” and not “ask” if they are going to use the bathroom. Point well made. I had never really thought of it that way and will change “¿Me permite ir…? to “Voy al baño”

    3. You also say “I’m not sure I agree with this statement entirely. It’s definitely true if the issue is control, but I think otherwise it’s a matter of consistency in application of whatever policy you have. If students know that everyone will be treated with equity and consistency, then the teacher is credible.”
    It seems to me that if every student has 6 “passes” and the “system” is clear from the beginning, that seems equitable to me – unless I am missing something… It seems that Ben’s method too would meet that criteria… right?

    4. You say “I made bathroom goers have to automatically spend mandatory time in my “tutorial” time at the end of class.”
    I think this is a good idea because it reinforces the idea that class time is valuable, and students have missed something. ”
    For me this would not be possible because I “teach’ right to the bell. I could make them come in during lunch or after school but that is loaded with complications as well. We do have a “lunch Bunch” in the study center that I could assign kids too but that puts the burden on the Study Center tutors…

    I think that the “six times a semester” would take care of this issue because we a agreeing mutually that each student has six passes, no questions asked…

    5. I do think “after lunch classes” probably need special consideration…
    The REAL issue is that this whole conversation, for me at least, is based on a few students that abuse it. It hurts their progress. Most students use the bathroom when they need it and come right back…. It is frustrating to have to spend so much time, thought and endure such aggravation for just a few students…

    I would welcome further discussion on this…

    1. Hi Skip. In response:

      1. I dislike the idea that the teacher must sign something for a student to go to the bathroom. That was in response to the following statement in your school/department’s policy:
      When a student wants to use the BR, they must get the binder, open to their page, and have it initialed by the teacher. (Emphasis mine) Unless you mean that the teacher initials it later – but then what is the purpose in that?

      2. I had students ask for years but then thought about real-life situations and what people actually say: “I have to go to the bathroom” or “I’m going to the bathroom” are probably the highest-frequency expressions. I have colleagues with whom I have discussed the matter, and they prefer to keep the asking permission because it teaches students “me permite” or “darf ich”.

      3. I was disagreeing with David’s assessment of kids’ “getting away with a ‘bogus’ bathroom break”. If motive isn’t part of the equation, then I don’t have to worry about credibility if I’m consistent in application of whatever parameters I have set up. Another wrinkle might be that students must leave their cell phones in class when they go to the bathroom, but I personally don’t want to get caught up in that.

      4. David is the one who actually said that he has students stay in for a tutorial. In his situation it is a good idea. I have a situation similar to yours in that we don’t have a tutorial after every class, and the tutorial, when we do have it, is mandatory for all students. I don’t have the option of letting students out of class as a “reward”. I was going to ask David if the tutorial is every day or on a rotating schedule. But the idea of having students make something up reinforces the concept that class time has value. That’s also why I make no allowances for what was missed during the bathroom break. The student missed it, bummer. I also do not do detentions during lunch, in part because students see that as the “easy way” to serve a detention, and a detention – when given – is supposed to be inconvenient. (I give very few detentions, and they are usually so that I have an opportunity to talk seriously with the student without peer pressure.)

      5. I agree, the whole issue is basically related to a minority of students. But if we do not deal with the few, they will interfere with the many – and the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one. (Thank you, Mr. Spock)

      None of my methods classes ever discussed this or a number of other class management issues.

  3. “None of my methods classes ever discussed this or a number of other class management issues.”

    In retrospect, it would have been so helpful for my credential teachers to deal with specifics like bathroom breaks. If I were running a credential program, or teaching a classroom management class (which was also glaringly absent from my training, despite its being a very good program), I would spend at least a semester having my students simply role play classroom situations where another student, or I, or real students I would bring in, would initiate confrontations, and then we discuss, in great detail, how to get through it without shutting down the class. It’s these little things that make or break careers, and no one (outside of this little community) wants to talk about it.

    1. In all fairness to my professors, I must say that one of them did address some of the aspects of classroom management. One of the most helpful portions of the class was “Who’s got the problem?” He created situations or presented “case studies” and then posed the question, “Who’s got the problem?” The idea was to get us to see that students who are “getting away” with behavior that bothers us don’t have a problem. We do. Our task, then, is to make it the students’ problem so that they feel the need to change. Buck Mars was his name, and one of the most effective responses he taught us was to look at a complaining student (who, of course, now has the problem) and reply, “Bummer!*” I’m talking, of course, not about genuine life issues but about those self-created “problems” resulting from lack of attention in class, prolonged bathroom breaks, etc.

      *There are many ways to say this word. You can convey many different emotions and messages with it. It helps you not become involved in the “debate” that the student wants because once you engage the student knows there is a chance of changing your mind. Repeating “Bummer!” or even “Bummer, dude!” avoids that.

      1. Robert, I alue your thoughts on this – thanks giving us some detail about how you handle the issue. A couple responses:

        I agree that whatever policy is used, being fair and consistent about it is the key to making it work. And when I made the statement about “bogus bathroom breaks: it comes from some bitterness from last year concerning a handful of students who were known to be abusing the privilege. On the whole I have usually taken an approach much like yours – I didn’t give passes, I told them that I trusted they would let me know when they really needed to go. But there were several kids, especially in my 5th period class last year that would constantly abuse the privilege and it became a major disruption. I felt that it even began to undermine the feelings of fairness in the class as a whole, so that’s why I became so suspicious of chronic bathroom break kids. But I would concede that most likely the majority of kids do have a genuine need to go to the bathroom when they ask and I need to stick to a policy that will allow for them to use it without disruptions, but have accountability for the kids that would abuse the freedom. Forgive me of letting my bitterness on this issue bubble up.

        Thanks too for talking about how you are teaching the kids when to ask at appropriate times and regulate the order themselves. I like the idea of using the target language around all this too and the fact that you’re giving them the responsibility doing it and making sure they respect the flow of the class. For me this is one of the biggest issues because it extends beyond just the “bathroom” issue. Interruptions can be made for an infinite number of things at inappropriate times if kids don’t understand that they need to wait until the right time to ask about non-emergency stuff. I also realize I need to make more frequent transitions to allow for this – I usually tend to go on too long before a transition point.

        I really appreciate this discussion. Thanks! David

        1. David, thanks for sharing where you are coming from on this. I would agree that the situation you describe does begin to undermine your credibility as far as managing the class is concerned, precisely because the conduct began to undermine the sense of fairness in the class as a whole. BTW, using the target language for classroom business is entirely in conformity with ACTFL guidelines and the Standards.

          On a slightly off-topic but related tangent, I see an increasing need to “socialize” – but not in the political sense – students because of the pervasive use of electronic gadgets (“technology”). When I’m chatting on a computer, texting, or even talking on a cell phone, I can do any number of things without offense: get up and do a chore, read a book, go to the bathroom, fix a snack, etc. The other person doesn’t see me doing those things and doesn’t realize I’m giving attention only part of the time. In a face-to-face situation, it’s entirely different, and students don’t realize this. For a student to stand up in the middle of class, walk in front of the teacher, throw a paper away and then walk back to his seat – that is incredibly rude, but they don’t even have a clue about it. (Both because they are self centered and because they don’t have enough experience and training in these situations.) In the same way, many students think that as soon as the slightest urge to use the bathroom hits, it’s an emergency. They haven’t learned yet that it really can wait. Some have, but especially the younger students haven’t. Another technique that a mentor talked about is the “wait five minutes” technique. When a students asks to go, you ask if he or she can wait five minutes. Often that is sufficient for their mind to wander enough for them not to have to go any longer. Of course, that technique won’t always work if you are trying to train them to wait until transitions to ask. Sometimes I will ask a student to wait until I have explained something – most of the time they are very good about that. I also have a tendency to go too long between state changes and transitions; that’s something I will work on this year.

          1. Thanks Robert, I agree about needing to help kids understand what is appropriate and what is not. I have this issue all the time of kids getting up and throwing away trash and other things like you describe. This is the bigger issue in my opinion – thanks for bringing it up!


            All this talk about bathrooms, seating charts and administrativa is really what I need right now and I put all this down in writing mainly for myself and for my students for next year. I looked at my numbers and so far I have 189 students in 5 classes, so I’m going to have to be on top of classroom management like never before.

            Bob, I hope you don’t mind me using your D.E.A. acronym for now and most of the standards for them are from Ben Lev’s participation rubric on the site – which I used last year (Thanks!). Thanks too to Robert for helping me work out some bathroom rules that I really like.

            I’m thinking I will put these policies at the end of my class syllabus for this year to go home for parents – this is my 1st draft so far. I know most of it is what we discuss all the time on the site, and it doesn’t replace my shorter “rules” that are posted in class (listed first), but this is some of the rational and detail behind the rules, for both students and parents to see, all in one place.

            Latin Class Rules
            1. Listen with the intent to understand.
            2. One person speaks and the others listen.
            3. Suggest clever answers, avoiding English.
            4. Show me if you don’t understand.
            5. Sit up…Squared shoulders….Clear eyes.
            6. Have nothing on your desks.
            7. Do your 50%.
            8. Actors – synchronize actions with my words.
            9. Respect the “flow” of class.

            Daily Engagement Assessment
            A large part of your grade is based on how well you respect me, the teacher, your classmates, the rules and “flow” of our class, and how well you are present, attentively listen and engage in class. See the following standards below:

            1. Making eye contact with me or a student who is speaking.
            2. Responding with enthusiasm when appropriate.
            3. Suggesting clever and appropriate answers to questions.
            4. Listening with the intent to understand.
            5. Being present for class unless excused.
            6. Sitting in a way that shows respect.
            7. Speaking at appropriate times.
            8. Using hand motions to make it clear to me each time that you did not understand something spoken in Latin.
            9. Observing the bathroom rules.
            10. Bringing an “I want to learn” attitude to class.

            Items on Desk
            Desks and laps must be clear of ALL items at all times, unless we are doing a writing activity or test. Bags may be put on the floor or on the table at the back of the room. Students are permitted to have a bottle of water on their desk.

            Cell Phones and Electronic Devices:
            1. ALL ELCETRONIC DEVICES (EVEN EAR PHONES/BUDS) must be out of sight for the duration of class. If I see an electronic device it will be sent to the office and available for pick-up after school according to the policy of the Guidance Office.

            2. Parents are asked in my syllabus to call the office or my classroom in case of an emergency, not their child’s cell phone.

            Non-Emergency Questions and Remaining in Seat
            The flow of our class, especially since most of it is conducted in Latin is something we must all respect. Students are expected to not blurt out comments (in any language) when someone else is speaking. Non-emergency questions may be asked at appropriate transitions and pauses during class. Students are expected to remain in their seat at all times unless given permission by the teacher to get up at a transition during class.

            Bathroom Rules:
            1. Asking to go to the bathroom must be done at an appropriate transition time or natural pause during class.

            2. No bathroom breaks during the FIRST OR LAST 10 MINUTES OF CLASS. For the first class of the day, or classes right after nutrition or lunch, no bathroom breaks for the FIRST 30 MINUTES OF CLASS.

            3. One person goes to the bathroom at a time and a break should be no longer than 3 minutes.

            4. Parents and/or the school nurse will be contacted for excessive use of the bathroom.

            Students must be in their seats when the bell rings and ready to engage with the teacher. A student who is not prepared when the bell rings will be marked tardy and this will be figured into the Daily Engagement Assessment grade.

            Students who miss a day of class must pick up an Absence Explanation Slip by the door and fill it out for me on their next day back to class. Students who are absent must always check in with me during tutorial on their next block day back at school so I can fill them in on what they missed in their absence. Unexcused absences will be figured into the Daily Engagement Assessment grade.

          2. David, I’m not sure I would put the school nurse referral in your syllabus. It makes it look like punishment, and you want to be able to convey to your students that you referred them because you are concerned they may have a physical illness or infection. Also, be sure to talk to the school nurse so she knows to describe in vivid detail the causes and potential consequences (e.g. bladder infections may lead to kidney infections; may result from sexually transmitted chlamydia or mycoplasma bacteria; may accompany frequent sex in women). The need to urinate frequently may be caused by urinary tract infection, diabetes, pregnancy (women), enlarged prostate (men), bladder cancer, stroke or other neurological dysfunction, or interstitial cystitis. So, you are simply looking out for your students’ welfare. 🙂 The nurse may contact the parents (or at least suggest it) to let them know they should take their child to the doctor. This way you remain the good guy, just looking out for your students.

  4. At our school, we don’t actually have enough bathrooms that would accommodate everyone in the 5 min transition between classes. So, I just have a complete trust policy. It works fine for the most part. Last year I had some “frequent flyers.” I did check in with them about this, but I’m thinking now the nurse idea (telling the nurse to check in with these kids) is better and less disruptive. I am definitely going to add Robert’s “just announce it” rather than ask, and also the “bummer” if someone misses something while gone.

  5. Our middle school has each grade level agree on 2 times where the whole class is taken to the restroom during the day. (I realize this would not work for high schoolers) I would take the whole class during 1 st block and on our way to lunch. ( some teachers take them on their way back from lunch). They are also suppose to go during Connections classes ( art, p.e., technology, band,….) this year it was 4 th block. Students are not allowed to leave the classroom during homeroom (once they enter the room) and last block, these are administration’s rules. These 2 whole classroom breaks and ask if you need to go during connections class really cuts down on students asking to go to the restroom through out other blocks because you know that they were taken as a group during 1 st and lunch.

    1. Ben,

      I have been thinking about YOUR bathroom policy and I have a question.

      Is there ever a problem because the same 2-3 students “use” the 2 bathroom slots every day? I can see that that might be a problem if ONLY two kids can go each day? I know you said you let others go “with permission” but I would probably not…. wouldn’t that kind of defeat the purposes of the system…? How many “emergency” bathroom trips do you get each day?


      Just wondering…

  6. I only permit one student to go to the bathroom at a time (with rare exceptions). This year I’ll add that students should ask during natural transitions and breaks in class, not during learning activities. It is really a bummer when a student raises his hand and then, rather than answering your question, says ?????????(the Chinese to ask to go). I have it posted on the wall, and today I moved it to a side board instead of at the front of the room. No need to remind them to ask that question so much!

  7. Hey Ben! This website can’t handle Chinese characters! Can that be changed? The Chinese in the above comment got turned into ??????. Chinese really isn’t that difficult to understand.

  8. Dude that is one weird language! But I don’t know how to change it. One thing – I don’t let them ask in French. It just sounds stupid. Like when are they going to ask someone in France if they can to to the bathroom? It’s also kind of fake, in my mind, when they don’t really pay attention and then say that – hard to explain.

  9. At my high school all the restrooms are closed ( or supposed to be closed) at all times except for passing periods. If a student wants to go to the bathroom they are given a pass to the nurse who then lets them use the bathroom in her office. It is a policy that is a bit barbaric but it does keep students from congregating in the bathrooms. It also tends to keep them from being trashed.

  10. I have tried something this year that really has made a difference. At the beginning of the year we calculated how many hours a child hears the language to 1 year old. I then showed them how many hours they would hear language in our class. This really helped many students understand why we don’t want them to leave class because they are missing VITAL minutes of the language. Then I gave each student a pass for 1st semester. This is their emergency pass. I explained that if there was a medical issue or something that would prevent them from one pass only to let the school know and this was an exception to the rule. Then any passes that were left at the end of the 9 weeks were turned in to become Pat minutes. Once a semester I show a disney movie in Spanish. I give them one day and they must earn the minutes for the second day necessary to finish the film. Then second 9 weeks they got their new pass. I also explained that if they needed an extra pass that we would have to find time to make up the missing minutes from class. This would have to be before school starts. We only have 50 minute classes so this has worked well.

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