Make It Look Like School

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5 thoughts on “Make It Look Like School”

  1. It really is amazing how when students get pens in their hands they keep quiet. I mean you can go from totally rowdy class to complete silence in 2 minutes just by having them do something on paper. It’s amazing.
    What I don’t get is that it really doesn’t make any sense…..why do they fall for this every time?
    Is it because of the compliance mentality or the fact that “this might be for a grade” ?

    1. They have been programmed. My best class is one that I have had for two years. The worst I give them are short exit tickets other than that it’s pure CI with some spliced in breaks.

        1. Thanks Ben. My other classes, inherited from the other Spanish teacher, are sometimes hit or miss. There is a big placement problem with Heritage speakers and there is old ideas of “getting it right” for the test and “doing work” and moving on. We have some real struggling students combined with fully fluent students. I have been using FVR, dictations and the invisibles to help me along.

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