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6 thoughts on “Linda Li on Running Dictation”
So the key in this game is that one student is dictating to two other students from memory?
A student runs to the table where the sentences are written down. Then the runner returns and dictates to the scribes as much as he can from memory. He then runs back to the get more or the sentence, as much as he can hold in his memory at a time.
I like this idea.
It’s from Jason Fritze. And the text is placed on the wall in the hallway. Get’s them moving.
Thanks. I read above description from a TESOL site.
the “above description” referring to what I wrote. I was not referring to what anyone on this blog wrote.
The activity can serve multiple purposes. It’s great for brain break. It’s great for getting more input via reading (the runner) and the listener (aural).
If you have small classes, you can do it in pairs. If you have bigger classes, you can do it with 3 people in a group, the 3rd person in the group can be an illustrator. (he/she reads what the writer wrote, then illustrate.)
I usually use it as a summary of our reading.
I’ve done 3 roles that rotate in the teams that play: runner, pinyin writer, and character writer. So I get a pinyin version and a character version from this activity. Highest scoring team gets the glory of a sticker or something the next day in class, but that’s not required.