An Old Post

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4 thoughts on “An Old Post”

  1. What about kids that are blurting in Spanish? When I make a statement, the kids are to say the “phrase of the week”, things like “seriously?” And”how terrible”. Kids are remembering them from the week before and are spontaneously saying these where it accurately fits in conversation but they do it at times, when I’m trying to get the plane off the runway. Does it count?

  2. Dump the phrase of the week. It isn’t working for you. I am concerned, personally, that many of us are doing too many frill type things and not enough meat and potatoes teaching.

    It is best if we stay with the three steps. Otherwise, we end up being “eclectic” TPRS teachers, and that is not at good thing. It has created many wrong impressions in buildings and we ourselves, by failing to stay with the basics, have done a lot to turn others off to this work.

    Stay with what works and keep it simple – that is: PQA, stories and reading. Throw in some dictee but not too much, and lessen all the frill stuff that makes you crazy trying to remember to do it.

  3. …But I think I’ve made it sound like a serious issue across the board where it really is happening occasionnally in a few classes with the same kids AND most kids are saying it in the hallways when they don’t know I’m listening and we enjoy chooses as a class what we will say….. hmm…..

  4. Good and thank you for the clarification bc I was really freaking out over this. I thought it was across the board. Now I have written a long post and a shorter response below before just now learning that it is not across the board, as I thought. I might as well post those two responses here anyway. They address the topic of discipline and if they (thankfully) don’t address your situation they may at least help someone. Because the issue of The Fear is so big, so widespread. I wrote a long response to you early this morning, and I will paste the other shorter response I just wrote just now in my planning period below, so here it is:

    Jen would you say that these kids are confronting you all the time? How are you dealing with it? I claim that in my own experience they simply don’t hear the voice of reason. Requests for a certain behavior are met with deadened ears and hearts, and they think that they can bully you. This is my fourth comment on what you wrote yesterday and it has become my meditation when I am not actively involved in teaching or doing something else. The Fear seems to have gotten to you. Is it because you are overly involved with making the fireworks part of TPRS/CI work for you? You may want it to work too much. Could you back your jets down to R and D of a novel and plenty of dictation. October is not the time for intense teaching it is for slamming rude kids mouths’ shut. This is the time to make a strong response to the jerks who typically surface in our classrooms about this time of year (they often start to surface around September) How to respond to them? Clearly, they are bothering you. Do they see the effect on you of their obstinate rudeness? I would not let them see that! How to do that? Don’t talk to them about their behavior. Just write it down each time it happens. Have you tried Three and Done? It is a dispassionate response to bullies. You just write down the behavior, make it clear that it didn’t go unnoticed, whether it is cell phone (why collect a cell phone? Do you really want that drama in your life?). Just write down the offense and after three of them or three unexcused tardies or skipped classes you simply make the parent call and write them up and that is the “done” part of Three and Done. I just think that you are letting them see you sweat. Are you? I just cannot tell you how incredible it is that my classroom discipline is so much better than anything I have seen because of the Triple Power Combination of jGR, Three and Done, and Jobs for Kids (all are categories here). Let’s keep talking. Clearly you are not afraid of sharing your feelings with us, and I repeat a comment from yesterday – you may be one of the few talking about your fears but that doesn’t mean that many of us are not experiencing the same thing. My advice now, then, because I honestly feel that I may know Mr. Fear better than you simply because he visited me in my classroom every day for over thirty years until this year (he has vanished now because of the Triple Power Combination of jGR, Three and Done, and Jobs for Kids. Agh! I am sure I am not the only one pulling for you, but this thread and what you are going through now with those rude kids is very compelling. I want to get on a plane and walk into your classroom and throttle those kids.

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