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11 thoughts on “jGR and Parents 3”
You rock, Jeff! And you’re right, results don’t lie. We’ll get there. They just wait and see.
Jeff, so very glad to hear that this turned positive, and that it did so because you were able to take both parents and admins through the meaning and beauty of what we are doing.
Thanks for the reminder everyone on admin re-education. I printed out and gave my superintendent and principal each a copy of my P/T conferences handout (Matava’s document but personalized for my situation). I think I will wait a week or two and pass them on the 90% statement from ACTFL. Even though they are very supportive, I realize now that I need them to understand this business very well, so that if I have an experience like Jeff just had, they are ready to back me up.
Can we have that P/T conferences handout here? Or where is it?
I think it’s a category.
Congratulations, Jeff. I’m proud of you! Also, can you share what your particular weekly schedule looks like? Just curious.
I think when students go home and share their joy in learning the language, that is a victory. They are speaking for us. I have had students openly admit how much they like/love (I’ve heard both) class. I’m interested to know how you’ve designed YOUR course a la TPRS.
Great job, Jeff.
Yes, please, let’s keep sharing with one another. This PLC does far more substantive collaboration than my department at school. Keep those ideas flowing.
Congratulations, Jeff! Nice to get positive feedback at the same time this was being resolved. Thanks for sharing those emails.
Wonderful news. I think it’s so important to remember that the parents who complain about what we are doing are a very small (but sometimes loud) minority. For every complaint we get, there are probably 50 or more families who are really happy and supportive, because they see their son or daughter really enjoying a FL class, which mom or dad probably did not. But very few of them will take the time to contact us like that parent did with the encouraging words–life is hectic for families, but by not piling on homework and not making kids feel bad about themselves or stupid, we are helping those family lives go a bit more smoothly–one less thing for them to stress about, and that is very valuable.
…by not piling on homework and not making kids feel bad about themselves or stupid, we are helping those family lives go a bit more smoothly….
Wonderful news, Jeff, and so encouraging for the rest of us. It can be so scary sometimes to stand up to those negative voices, but if you can speak with conviction and bring them over to your side, the victory is so much sweeter. Thanks for sharing your experience!