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4 thoughts on “It’s CI or the Highway”
I think I would be a bit apprehensive if someone who didn’t know me grabbed my head and held it under water for a while. Yet, when I was baptized and someone did essentially that, I wasn’t apprehensive in the least. Why? Because beforehand we had talked about what was going to happen, how it would happen and why – and, I felt the pastor’s other arm supporting me while I was able to hold onto him as well.
To me this illustrates what is happening in the language classroom. Ben’s CWB activity is a way to begin the first day in the target language, but the support (scaffolding) is there, plus students get to “hold on” via pictures and gestures, and we work to build trust. At some point we also talk about what we are doing and why. It is all about building a relationship and trust.
A few days ago I was talking with my seniors in 4/AP, and grades came up. I told them that, quite frankly, I don’t care about their grades. One student laughed and said, “This is the only class I have in which that is a positive statement. Most teachers give out Ds and Fs and then say they don’t care about our grades. But you want us to learn German.”
In the first hour of my first day as a new cadet at Culver Military in Indiana, I was told to make a bed with a tight cross sheet 24″ fold and perfect square corners. My parents had just left campus for the drive back to Illinois. Nobody had ever told me how to do it. I still can’t make a bed.
This post reminds me of the post on videos/rigor a short time ago. Kids beg for videos because of stuff like this. They feel anxious and uncomfortable because they don’t understand that incomprehensible input and they just want a way out.
I agree Ray. There are kids that we lose as early as September because the faster kids push us faster and faster and we forget those slower processors, who then want movies. I don’t blame them.
It’s good that SLOW has reappeared here. We need to be reminded all the time of its importance. Like in the Pancake Batter article I wrote this:
…if a kid looks like a lump remember – they are not. You are just going too fast….