I Find It Outrageous

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4 thoughts on “I Find It Outrageous”

  1. Prediction for 2017:

    Some of us are going to take Story Listening (Beniko Mason) seriously this year and all of the benefits of this completely new way of doing CI – to most of us – will change our stress levels, will change our CI worlds. All the questions we asked don’t need to be asked. So there is a way that a class of “37 twelve year olds in a public school” can be quiet and just enjoy learning without all the questions. (This last point made by Tina on the phone today as we discussed the big big big role SL will play for some of us this year.)

    1. True but what about planning and our sanity? I personally do not want to plan out stories though it could benefit me and my acquisition as well as it being pretty cool to know many stories in French.

      1. Yes, I do agree that the SL stories do need to be found and read and then written out in a sort of outline form and then told. It takes me about 15 minutes’ prep per language. I just tell the same story to the different levels of classes. I just change the language and delivery for the different levels. At this point I am not incredibly picky about the story I am telling. I just read online and find stories I want to tell, that I am excited about. Ben was saying it all over the place last summer – we must love what we are talking about. So, if I love the story, if I am excited to tell it to this group of students, then it is such a pleasure to tell them the story. It is truly worth the minutes spent finding the story and writing the rough outline. And if I am not feeling it that day then I tell a story that we make up based on one of their characters.

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