Move to Higher Ground – 2

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2 thoughts on “Move to Higher Ground – 2”

  1. So interesting. This is so far from my demographic that I won’t have anything to comment on. However, it will be interesting to read people’s experiences and opinions on this.

    1. Story Listening is something that all teachers should check out, but some will do it and some won’t. I don’t think it will ever become defended and illustrated enough to become something that we can call a strategy that we all do in the same way. People may want to do that but it ain’t gonna happen, in my opinion. There are those who do it well (Bryan Whitney) and those who don’t. A lot of it depends on the nature of your student population. Now there is a movement to codify it and turn it a method. Hmmm. Not so sure that can work. It’s too simple. It’s like trying to define and make the wind into a method.

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