Go Deep! (Patricia va a California, Chapter 3, Part II)

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3 thoughts on “Go Deep! (Patricia va a California, Chapter 3, Part II)”

  1. One of my recent developments as we’re reading is to pull out structures I think are important. Once I have about 8, I have the kids concoct story lines that have nothing to do with the novel…I pick a story line that offers the most ‘play’ possibilities and then take a detour of 2-3 days developing that…then we go back to the novel. It reworks the structures and gives us a break from doing the same ole/same ole.

  2. Bryce Hedstrom

    That is another good way of playing with the vocabulary and structures, and it offers the advantage of escaping from the confines of the story. Gracias.

  3. When I was in Bryce’s classroom, he used a slide show with his own photos from Guatemala for sheltered content area teaching. There was minimal text with the photos, and he talked about the photos with the students. The part I was impressed with was something he mentioned that was not part of the slide show text– he was explaining how his daughter and others who were helping with child care considered it a badge of honor to have lice within the first day or two, because it showed they were really engaged with the kids. The students in his class picked up right away on the word for lice, and were using it to respond in a discussion. This content area instruction was powerful because it feeds our students’ desire to feel smart and to learn information. The fact that it was all CI in the target language makes it a double bonus.

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