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2 thoughts on “Get Kahoot”

  1. If you need some input-based entertainment at this time of year, I have been using and it can be addictive!! A computerized genie tries to identify a person or character chosen by the player of the game. It’s really wild how well it works!!!!! Some languages also let the genie guess a thing or a place. It is similar to the 20 Questions game that Sabrina should me that kids also enjoy.
    This one is very repetitive and very comprehensible. And almost scarily accurate!! I just played with my minimal French skills and it identified my person…the singer Tom Jones lololol…
    If it guesses incorrectly, you have the choice to keep playing…until it gets it…which is fun!!
    The hardest part once we start is to stop kids from pulling out their phones and playing their own Akinator!
    Try it!
    with love,

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