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3 thoughts on “Eugene Williams”
I appreciate how you honor your dear friend, elaborate on his struggles, but mostly respect him as a fellow athlete and decent man.
Though it feels ‘too little, too late’, things are starting to change, at least in my own school. It’s exciting to see and to be a part of. I hope I’m there for my Black colleagues and students the way you were there for Eugene. And the way you’re there for him now by honoring his story.
Thank you for this comment Madi. We are indeed unmistakably in a new time.
Also I am very pleased that you commented because I have been, partially as a result of your comment here of a few months ago if I remember correctly, on a search for the right platform to indeed have a more robust daily discussion in the style of the first PLC/blog of the “old days”. Still working on it but I’m glad you brought it to my attention.