Eric Herman on Dr. Krashen – Lots of Details

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2 thoughts on “Eric Herman on Dr. Krashen – Lots of Details”

  1. Thank you Eric for this. I need to reflect on this deeper. My own experience: compelling conversation (input/output) lead me towards fluency in French. Because I had a French buddy my AF was lowered.
    I still believe that input is king though.
    I wonder about VanPatten’s view. Output leading towards fluency — is this only with language that has been acquired? What are some practical talking/reflecting points that can influence our teaching?

  2. I truly belive in an affective filter: especially for students hearing a strange language.
    But there are other factors that come attached to the affective filter.
    Here are two: identity and culture.
    I remember some Spanish teachers complaining about Heritage speakers only wanting to speak English in class. Sure they understood Spanish and they probably spoke it with their parents and other family members but the environment and sense of identity affected output performance.
    The crummy thing is that teachers so focused on forcing output would end up failing these kids. Thus, they may never develop themselves as fluent, academic speakers, readers and writers of Spanish. Probably important is the way they view themselves coming into the class. For myself, I had to get myself to Mexico to acquire Spanish — and I’m Mexican. I laugh about it now.

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