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5 thoughts on “Equity”

  1. Not just socio-economic factors – but school ‘performance’ or ‘achievement’ equity factors, too.
    I told Blaine that suddenly my IEP kids were on equal footing with the math star kids – he’d heard from Special Ed teachers and their WL colleagues that ‘whatever magic powder yer sprinkling in the WL classroom we need some, too!’
    Suddenly the kids who have trouble sustaining attention are engaged; the filters drop on the kids with auditory input issues, knowing that the words will come back around again and again with contextual supports, and they won’t have to say them alone or under duress; there’s embedded differentiation from the barometer on up to the superstar.
    Democracy in action.

  2. This thread of equity/democracy in our T/CI classrooms also reminds me of a grim fact: Some kids aren’t recommended for World/Foreign Language classes if their math scores don’t reach a cutoff score. Old research correlating math (& music) with learning another language still dictates access to World Language classes in some parts of the country.

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