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1 thought on “David’s Point #1”
I had a teacher from Kansas come and observe me this morning. She was visiting a Spanish teacher in my school who is her friend.
I was finishing the story I started last week from Anne Matava’s : ” afraid of the package”. Anyway she loved the class and “TPRS”. I explained to her that what I do is more TCI than TPRS and explained the reasons why.
Anyway she mentioned working in the same district as David Young and talked very highly of him saying he is very active with TPRS and hates grammar and writing (I laughed inside).
Ben and al , does anyone know if this Davis Young is still on the blog. She said he is really trying to push his district towards TPRS. It would be interesting to see how it is going over there. James, you are in that region right? Do you know David Young?