Comprehensible Cascadia

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12 thoughts on “Comprehensible Cascadia”

  1. I think I saw on FB that the dates are July 10-12. Can anyone tell me about that half-day on Friday? If we were trained with you guys last summer and have your books, would we find that extra half-day beneficial or will we have that already?

  2. Dana I think Tina should address this as well. The material is the same as Phila. last summer, and you have been practicing it so much, it’s not like anything really new is going to be presented. Also since you read the book and from your comments here this year it looks like you have it down it may not be of great value to you since it is coaching. All the same, we always learn stuff at the coaching sessions. Your call. Let’s see what Tina says.

    1. It’s not the same as Philly. You can see cherokee or Gaelic or sign language or Korean BICS. That’s an opportunity not to be missed. You can see CALP with me. The afternoons I will present all new info from the new book and for CALP folks mike Peto will present on CALP. That’s never happened. I’m donating to them my Resource Manual for CALP. You’ll get information no one else has access to. This information will be the backbone of the third book in our trilogy. A Natural Approach to CALP.

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