College Homework Idea

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3 thoughts on “College Homework Idea”

  1. A lot of departments, like mine :(, still require a textbook. I feel that students should use the book a little since they paid so dang much for it, so this is basically what I do. Textbook HW, and CI instruction with lots of PQA, Stories and ROA, MovieTalk, etc. I’ve never had a student complain that they’re not getting enough grammar. At the end of 10 weeks (so little time) they’ve made a ton of progress! CI in the college classroom is the ticket!

    1. This is very cool. Just teach them the grammar AND give them a lot of CI. Me likey. So simple! The TPRS Police force is not as scary as they once were. We are all starting to realize that we each get to teach exactly as we as individual teaching artists wish.

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