Claire’s Scope and Sequence – 3

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4 thoughts on “Claire’s Scope and Sequence – 3”

  1. Today is my last day of school for this year. I hope to print out the S & S and peruse it over the next few weeks while on an exchange trip in Germany. I am new here, and I am hungry, but feeling a bit intimidated because there is a lot that I don’t understand. I am so eager to devour Ben’s new book and anything else that will prepare me for the new year.

    Most of my classes next year will be multi-level classes. Are there opportunities to address differentiation with The Easy Way and with Claire’s S & S?

    1. Yeah! I’m so glad you mention that. I have a huge range of ability levels on my caseload. Only 11 can benefit from TPRS, and among those there is a huge range even of non-fluent students. It’s like French I, II, and III all together. This S&S makes it easy to modify rubrics (it’s kind of laid out like one giant holistic rubric, isn’t it?).

      You absolutely have to read The Easy Way!!! Ben, make an announcement that it’s the best thing ever and a must read because it’s amazing! Chapter 7 on assessment is my favorite. 😉

      1. “It’s like French I, II, and III all together.”
        Oh but that’s ESL Newcomers I, II, and III together.

        For wide ranges in ability levels, it find I use targets and scripts (at least to get my story moving) more than I would like. Targets or HFWs are a tool (particularly as we don’t have the same L1) that we want don’t test kids on or include in our curriculum if we can get away with it, but they are still a good tool. I use them more with my wide-ranging ESL class more than my more homogeneous French classes.

    2. Wow I never thought of a multi-leveled Invisibles class. I can just see it. The young ones rocking it with their drawings, totally interested, the older ones wanting work sheets (or whatever brought them success (read: an easy A) before.

      I am of the opinion that, properly implemented, Claire’s S and S will solve the problem, but again for the older ones it will be a stretch to be grok that they are for the first time being honestly graded on the real behaviors that actually lead to acquisition and not something false, while the young ones will relish having a class where they all can succeed in an atmosphere of happiness.

      Can’t wait to get the first reports on these classes next fall, Laura.

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