Chris Roberts Thesis 1

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4 thoughts on “Chris Roberts Thesis 1”

  1. Sabrina Sebban-Janczak


    What a wonderful read so far! You have introduced your thesis statement in a clear and concise fashion, making it accessible to anybody, insiders and outsiders alike.

    Unlike the Chris we know who is opinionated and biased towards comprehension-based teaching, you present both sides in a expository style, and although you admit to teaching with CI, you manage to present both theories in a somewhat neutral way. Good.

    Since this is only part one of your thesis, I wonder if you’ve included anywhere in your paper the differences between learning and acquisition with some examples of activities commonly used in either classrooms.

    Also do you talk anywhere about some of the brain research (left versus right hemisphere and their different functions )?

    I’m very curious to know if you had to teach a traditional class in order to complete your action research and compare/contrast it with your CI classes.

    Great job Chris, can’t wait to read the rest.

  2. Robert Harrell

    This looks great, Chris. I do have a suggestion if your advisor wants you to add some more. It always helps to show widespread and “official support” for your position or statements. So, somewhere in paragraph one or two (or as a separate paragraph) under Introduction Problem, you could note that state departments of education express the same concern. For example, in California the World Language Standards for California Public Schools Kindergarten through Grade Twelve state:
    “We can no longer afford to simply
    learn about languages and cultures; but rather,
    we must provide students with opportunities
    to learn languages and cultures by participating
    in communicative interactions that prepare
    for real-world language use and global citizenship.”
    Standards, p. vi

    I’m sure there are other states with similar statements in their standards that you could also cite.

    I definitely want to have a copy of this.

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