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3 thoughts on “Chris Minkoff”

  1. Some observations:
    1. We’re both Chris (I guess I have to start commenting with my last name now)
    2. We’re both going into our 3rd year teaching
    3. Our first year sucked and then we discovered TPRS
    4. We both teach in a quarter system. I teach 9-week Exploratory classes, as well as year long Spanish I.
    5. I’m no longer the youngest member, I’m 26.

    Welcome aboard. You’ll find that this group is extremely helpful and any questions you have about language acquisition, instruction, classroom management, assessment, etc. will be answered here. If not for this group I would have quit doing TPRS in the middle of last year. The support here is tremendous.

  2. Hi Chris, I’m looking forward to asking away and researching a ton. I teach Spanish 1 and 3 in the fall, then Spanish 2 and 4 in the spring. I’m still getting comfortable with the pacing and curriculum.

    The information on blogs like this is something that is sorely needed in world language teacher prep programs in my oh so humble opinion. I was taught general pedagogy that was rather vague, and language instruction was not a part of my program. I know that this method is on the cutting edge and we all have so much to learn and develop. But it’s bizarre to me that I wouldn’t have made it here if it weren’t for my colleague who exposed me to CI/TPRS!

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