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2 thoughts on “Cement Your Ankles”
This is such a good image. We need the space in our classes to be this comfortable.
I just kicked a kid out of my last class of the day. I hate doing that, but he just wouldn’t shut up. Real cute… you know the type, right? I had already kicked him out once a few days ago, too. So this time I contacted his football coach, VP, and mom.
I hope I can always remember how solid I felt when I stood over his desk in the hallway, just before I was going to let him back inside after the 15-20 minutes of CI was completed. He wasn’t looking at me, of course. He is just a child. I said, “Look at me.” He glanced up. Looking at his shaky eyes I said calmly, “I will not let you ruin this year for me.”
God, how good did it feel to have mastery over myself in that moment. I had mastery over myself and so of course I had mastery over him. God, give us peace and space when we need it most.